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  1. oops sorry guys.what i didnt do a repair, or non destructive recovery. I was thinking of just doing fixmbr and chkdsk, but am lightweight. So I reinstalled xp from beginning so used existing partition. I thought it would overwrite all data on drive, and i was pleased to see all my stuff on there. Like you say start programms arent pointing to anything, but at least all my files are on there.
  2. thanks, I managed to do that with my documents. However, what i should have said is that i cant access things from the start menu, ie, program files, my music, etc. do i have to reinstall all the programmes. I can access it all from c drive just a pain thats all, thanks for your help.
  3. Hi, i got the bsod on my pc. After all else failed, i decided to reload XP. Stupidly i ignored the warning that an operating system existed on the partition and installed it to that partition. XP installed, but i still have all my old files on drive, which i cant access from shortcuts on start menu, but can if i go into my computer, click on C drive. Is there any way i can access them from desktop, by changing their shortcuts. Like they say, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Any help would be gratefully appreciated. Fran
  4. Hello everyone, so glad to find a site which is for people like me. I have five sons been tinkering with pcs since the first bbc master came out. Remember having to type pages of codes for simple games. nightmare.
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