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Everything posted by timez

  1. Ok I saw him today and he said - rather than buying a PSU and it possibly still not work... he asked is there an adapter you can get to test it with a normal one. It looks that the 24 pin ATX to HP Mini ATX adapter does exist. ------ However... ------ as you know - most boards use a 4 pin CPU extra connector - so far so good... The HP DC-7600 does not... It has a 6 pin connector (and i very much doubt the 6 pin PCI-Express connector is going to work or even fit this. -------- Do you think there is any chance of an adapter for this existing as well somewhere? I know i could probeblly get a multi-meter and see what voltage is supposed to come out of the old PSU pins for this - and cut and splice a working standard ATX PSU 6 pin PCI-EX connector to do the same - but the plastic may not fit - i have not tried yet. ------ Its fine if i can just cut and splice the working PSU - and test with that + the adapter for the 24 pin connector. ------ I really do not want to have to cut and splice the actual HP SFF PSU - as my friend will not be happy at all with that. ------ Is that my only option though if the physical block of the standard PSU PCI-EX does not fit on the motherboards 6 pin connector? -------- I realise thats all very confusing to read - but what i basiclly mean is - If it came to it - i could cut the real 6 pin block off the HP PSU - and splice it with the known working standard PSU after testing what voltage should be coming out of that. But my friend and me wont be happy - because if it wasnt the HP PSU thats gone - we have cut it and would have to splice it back together - and if it is working would want it in tact. ------ So my main question is - does anyone know of an adapter or anything i could use instead? so it would be - ATX 4 pin CPU power to HP propority 6 pin motherboard header. ------ Thank you Timez
  2. I agree with the poster before me... This happend to me - spilt coke all over the PC. After that it seemed to work - until prolems got worse and worse - sproadic booting - then no booting. It was the PSU for me - replacing it fixed the problem (but it also took a hard drive out with it) All my fans came on - even booted into windows quite a few times - until one day no more. It never got to a point where no fans came on - even though the PSU was now faulty and getting worse and worse. ---- You must test the PSU with a known good one - My guess is it should work with a new / working one. If not - as the poster before me said - it will be the motherboard. ---- (If you do end up buying a new power supply for it - let us know BEFORE ordering anything - please do not just buy any old one (and especially not a cheapy one) - it wont even last you a month in all liklyhood if you buy cheap) --- Timez
  3. It may be just over a week before i can get it - but i will reply to this thread and let you know if it worked - and whats faster etc. Thank you for your help :) Timez
  4. It does come with two ports. But as Master works fine on the motherboard port, I was going to keep Master there - And use what is now slave on the PCI card. So as not to over tax one or the other - hopefully for speed purposes. Unless you think it would be faster having both Hard drives on the two ports on the PCI card? Timez
  5. If anyone has a Dell PSU and a multimeter - and would be willing to test it with it - we will have our answer.
  6. Reseting the BIOS had - zero - effect :( Time to order the PCI IDE Controller? Timez
  7. IDE Cable is an 80 Pin one. Yes hard drives were correctlly set as master / slave. I tried cable select for both (and thats what it is on atm) - but exactlly the same issue. - I will reset the bios later and let you know what happend. (do i have to mess about with the cmos battery? - cant i use the reset cmos jumper instead? - thats how i normally reset the bios) Thank you. Timez
  8. Hi, I have a very strange problem. I hope someone can help with this - This is for my own personal PC. I have an ECS 945G-M3 (V 1.0a) Motherboard. http://www.ecs.com.tw/ECSWebSite/Pro...uID=24&LanID=0 ----------------------- I have two Pata (IDE) Hard Drives -(Samsung SP1604N and SP1604N/R) but whichever one i have as Primary Slave - will report errors (bad sectors) in the hard drive manufactures diagnostic program and also smart errors in windows etc. If i put it as Master - It works fine. There is only one IDE connector on the motherboard - therefore 2 devices (Master and Slave) ------------------------ Windows reports no errors - if i use chkdsk - it doesnt find a single bad sector (neither does any other program - only the manufactures diagnostic program) - also the hard drive is very slow in the diagnostic program compared to the one at master position - once into windows it seems it gets its full speed back again. ------------------------ As i say - swapping the two drives Master / Slave position - results in the new drive as slave reporting the exact same errors - and the new one as master - reports no errors any more ------------------------ Things ive tried... * Using a new IDE cable - no change * Putting the 'slave' drive - where master would go on the cable (the end) - no change * Using a drive from another computer (not a samsung) - no change ------------------------- My thought is the controller has devolped a fault - and has given up being able to work a slave drive I am looking into getting a PCI IDE Controller card to work around the problem - the adapters seem to slow them down and its going to be a FSX (Flight Simulator X) Drive. ------------------------- Below are some screenshots of a drive as slave from HD Tune - as i say - its not the hard drive - as putting any other drive as slave (or using a new IDE cable) - results in the exact same problem) [ATTACH=CONFIG]1718[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1721[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1720[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1719[/ATTACH] ---------------------------- Thank you so much if you can help me and hopefully wont need to get the PCI card? Or should I? Timez
  9. Make sure the 4 pin connector isnt the +4 pin from the 20+4 pin connector - if you can clip it onto the 20 pin connector then its the wrong one. There should be an extra 4 pin connector that doesnt clip onto the 20 pin one. This assumes your PSU has a 20+4 pin connector - and not just a 20 pin one (as i say - test this by seeing if you can get the 4 pin one to go onto and stay on the 20 pin connector. Timez
  10. If you have a multimeter - try and check the voltage coming out the charger lead is what it says it should be (it will be on a label on the brick part) Timez
  11. Thats ok - my friend says we will buy the power supply and if it still doesnt work - we will keep the PSU as a spare for future use on other PCs of that size. - When we get the new one and try it - i will let you know the results. - It may be a week or two. Timez
  12. I did try the full size ATX PSU to test it, But the connector did not fit the header on the motherboard - was way too small for the full size 20 Pin connector. Gonna have to just buy a SSF PSU to test with? Timez
  13. Oh excilent - My friend will be pleased to know we can at least test it :) I will let you know the results tommorow. Thank you. Timez
  14. Is it possible to use a full size ATX PSU on a Small Form Factor PC? Not permantally of course (as it would not fit in the case) But just to test it? I.E. - Will the 20/24 pin motherboard connector from the full size PSU physiclly fit the motherboard header? Thank you. Timez
  15. Hi, I am usually very good with computers - but this one has me baffled. I have a HP DC 7600 - Small Form Factor - Desktop PC (me and my friend were fixing it up for another friend) ---------- It was working fine - and although i had reports from the last owner it cut out a lot - the last time i worked on it about a week ago - for about 6 hours straight - it didnt cut out once. ---------- Today (a week later) I turn it on - it boots normally - goes into windows - and i started a check for windows updates. Than all of a sudden (after about 2 minutes) - It just switches off without warning. (This happend at the exact same time i switched a laptop on at the wall (in a totally different socket)) - I think its just a conicendece - but thought i better say in case. --------- I have a power light on the motherboard that is on (Green) - and also the ethernet port lights work fine (Green / Orange) - it just wont switch on. At first - when pressing or holding the power button - the hard drive light on the front panel would light up (Green) - until i released the switch. I then did a power drain - unplug - hold power button for at least 20 seconds - plug back in. ...Since doing that - I have no lights come on at the front when pressing or holding the power button... Oh ok - since leaving it plugged in for about 10 mins without keep trying the power switch - that hard drive light at the front now comes ON again, when pressing or holding the power button - Still won't turn the PC on though. ----------- Things I have Tried: _________________ * Making sure all power connectors inside the case are seated properlly (and all the data cables too for good messure) * Leaving the power cable out / in for a while before trying again * Reseating the RAM (I would have done the CPU - but that thing is in there very solid - no way it could have moved on its own) * Shorting out the 2 pins for the power switch on the motherboard * Reseting the CMOS * Jump start test of PSU (Green to Black wire) - with a load - The Power Supply came on fine - on it own - Soon as its connected to the PC again - same problem. -------------------- None of this worked - execpt the PSU test - but as i say - PC still will not switch on. I have NO other lights / beeps for warnings just... Ethernet Lights = on (Green / Orange) Motherboard Light = on (Green) Hard Drive Light = on (Green) - when power switch is depressed only -------------------- I really hope someone can help me with this - as im out of ideas... Sorry for such a long post - and thank you if you read it all. And thank you in advance for any help you may give. -------------------- Timez
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