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  • System: windows_7_home_premium

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  1. Hi Nev, thanks for reply. Slider positions are, - internet - medium high, local internet - medium low, trusted sites - medium, restricted - high. Over to you again, regards Pete
  2. Hi Guys, Thanks for the replys. Internet Explorer - 8 (I think), Java - Yes, Firewall - Windows Anti - virus - Microsoft security essentials, Flashplayer - yes. No idea what a adblocker program is, or a Hosts file. Regards Pete
  3. Thanks Guys. A bit more info. I have had use of a computer since about 1999, since then I've had 3 different computers with windows 98, then XP, now 7, & this prob. has occured on all 3 (not same equipment on any 3 systems). I am now on broadband, with B.T. Just checked speed, 16.7mb download. Surely this can not just be happening to me, others must have had a similar prob. Remember it does not happen all the time, only about 20% of pictures are affected.
  4. Thanks for your reply Randy. I have looked at your suggestion, but it says only use reset if browser is unuseable. Any comments on that?
  5. Hi all, new on here! I have a problem that has been plaguing me for quite a few years, with at least 2 different computers. When using internet, looking at several different sites, when a picture is posted, all I get is a box with a red x in it. No matter what I do , I have never got into the picture. This does not always happen, but i guess about 20% . The other 80% are fine. I am on Windows 7 Home Premium now, but it was the same with XP. Help Please!!
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