Im new to the forum but it's nice to know there's help out there , thanks in advance.
Here's the problem.My computer seems to be operating on a different timeline to me , it's like its working in a parrallel universe where everything is slowed down by a factor of ten.
It took me 20 minutes to register here. It;s windows xp home version thats all i know , i've got it about 4/5 years.
I did some reading up and the registry seemed a good place to start looking at it. I downloaded http://www.freeregistryfix.com and it zipped through "initial parameters" but when it goes to "file types" it goes about two third up and gets stuck at this.
(at this stage it has found 5 problems)
It sticks here and doesn't move on. ( i left it for 5 hours at one stage) Any ideas what could be causing this ? how to fix it? and is it likely to be the cause of my slooooooow PC?.
Thanks again
BTW : Even though i've only got dial up , it's not just the internet thats slow but also the pc itself.Boot up takes about 12 minutes