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  • System: windows_vista_home

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  1. Thank you for your emails guys. Sorry for delays replying but got a bit a crisis going on at the moment so have been unable to try your possible solutions yet Randy. Will get back to you both as soon as I get a minute to myself to try your suggestions. Will email you in a few days time. Many thanks. Regards oap
  2. THANK YOU NEV Thanks for your email Nev. I have tried all the things you mentioned but unfortunately no success. I do not get the autoplay window up initially on inserting the SD card, although when I first had the computer I used to. It would appear from the messages that I get on screen is that the computer does not reconise or support the format. I am at a total lose at what to do next, all I want to do is to be able to upload some family video clips from my Panasonic camcorder. Regards oap​
  3. Hi. I am a beginner to the world of computing. I have an advent laptop and my problem is that when I put the SD card from my camera into the card reader it only uploads the still photographs and there is no sign of the video clips. I do have Quick time installed. Please can anyone help me as I would like to know where these videos go to. I know I am getting on in years but I feel confident that I am do all the right things required of me when I put the SD card in the Advent laptop. Many thanks oap
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