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Curtis Argent

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Everything posted by Curtis Argent

  1. Would this intel cooler be worth the buy? By this i mean will it be more efficient and cooling the i5 rather than the stock cooler that the processor comes with. I'm just curious. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Akasa-AK-CC7117EP01-Performance-LGA1156-LGA1155/dp/B005J2IS3U/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1382128383&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=intel+i5+cooler Plus, the I5 that you linked me to says that it is socket 1155, does this still mean that i have to have a m/board with a 1150 socket? One more thing, the post that i posted on the 3rd of October doesn't seem to have a link for me anymore? is this the same for you? because i cant remember the exact m/board that i linked was :) Thanks.
  2. yes ok thanks for the help again :)
  3. Ok, so how about this m/board. It says that it has x4 DDR3 so i'm guessing that you can put 4 different DDR3 ram cards on it? Also, as i posted a long time ago the ram i'm using at the moment is only DDR2 so im guessing that wont be usable with this m/board. And also, would you be able to clarify that this m/board would be compatible with the specs below? Intel i5 3570K 3.4ghz AMD radeon hd 7950 [h=3]8GB Kit (4GBx2), 240-pin DIMM, DDR3 PC3-10600 (Part # CT2KIT51264BA1339)[/h][h=3]4GB, 240-pin DIMM, DDR3 PC3-10600 (Part # CT51264BA1339) Thanks :)[/h]
  4. Sorry to be a pain but how about this motherboard? Would it be able to run the i5 with my amd 7950, and 12 gb ram? really interested in getting the i5 but on a budget too. http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MB-555-AS Thanks
  5. would it run the intel i5 listed here? http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CP-470-IN&groupid=701&catid=6~ Cheers
  6. The last motherboard you listed (http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CP-338-AM&groupid=701&catid=1967&subcat=1825) is now unavailable for some reason so i was wondering if this motherboard would be able so handle the same CPU you listed before( the amd 6-core 6300) http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MB-466-AS Been quite some time since i posted to this thread and started to think about my new upgrade again! Thanks :)
  7. Would this motherboard support the AMD Pilediver along with my graphics card and a future 8 gb of ram. I would like to know because its a very good budget motherboard and i would like to have that particular cpu...( Looks Boss :D ) http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MB-485-AS Thanks :)
  8. My friends were having an argument over which CPU's better: Here are the links, http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CP-403-IN http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CP-336-AM Can you say which one is better. BTW: could i run either of these cpu's with my motherboard and if not how much is the cheapest motherboard to buy gthat can support these Thanks :)
  9. Would this link work? http://www.crucial.com/systemscanner/viewscanbyid.aspx?id=CAA09D2D31D926C3
  10. Ok well i dont know if you can determine any problems the scanner found from this print screnn as i dont know where to look: [ATTACH=CONFIG]1813[/ATTACH]
  11. it said there is a 8gb ram that is compatible with my motherboard it is qiute expensive though and so im not sure if i can upgrade that anytime soon. But i will probably get the cpu you linked me to some time early next year. Untill then this rig is still good and im not ungratful at all for the graphics card that i have. thanks
  12. I read some reviews about the CPU you linked me to, and people have been saying the fan on this certain CPU is really loud. if this is the case, is it possible to put a new fan in this and if so how much would that be. and also how could i find out if my motherboard can support 8GB of RAM because if that can give me a performance boost then i'm all for it. Also skyrim isn't the only game i have had problems with - saints row the third dips down to around 20 fps when i am driving around in a car and it annoys me quite a bit. i can hardly ever get above 35 fps on far cry 3 either and since that game came with the graphics card i expected it to be able to run it fine Thanks for feedback :)
  13. well ive had the card for a few days now and the performance is great. the only thing im concerned about is that on this web page (http://www.pcper.com/reviews/Graphics-Cards/AMD-Radeon-HD-7950-3GB-Graphics-Card-Review/Elder-Scrolls-V-Skyrim) it says that i should be getting average 62 fps at all times. This is true when i am in certain areas, e.g. buildings, caves, etc. but when am in the open landscape it drops down to around 30 fps. I wandering if this is to do with the card or whether it is because i need more RAM or a better processor to match the card. Thanks for feedback.
  14. Ok well my computer is 64 bit so if it is a RAM issue then that can be sorted. Having said for the psu i am not sure what the make of it is and i am not prepared to open my case unless i take it in somewhere as i dont want to have the risk of accidentaly damaging or changing anything. Hopefully it is all ok and as you said i will give it a go and if all fails i will contact you again to ask what psu's would be suitable for the job for the best budget :) Thanks.
  15. Yep! I have a few spare Molex power connectors scattered around the case and a spare PCIe 6 pin power connector in there so all is well and that means i can buy and use this card correct? If so thanks for your time to reply to this post and i hope to get some awesome gameplay going for the new year! Thanks :)
  16. my psu says it is 500w and i dont know if this is the motherboard but something has ASRock N68C-S UCC with DDR2 1066 DDR3 1600 Dual channel written next to it. Is this the mother board If so can i use the 7950? Thanks :) Plus VGA wont be an issue as i use HDMI port.
  17. Could you give me a way to find out this information as im not used to in depth component information.
  18. Hi im wanting to upgrade my graphics card come Christmas time and i have my eyes on a AMD Radeon HIS HD 7950 3072MB GDDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Card. i have a AMD Anthlon II X2 250 Processor 3.00 GHz, 4096MB of RAM The graphics card i use at the moment is a AMD Radeon HD 5450. Would i be able to buy and use that graphics card listed at the top of the thread? Thanks for feedback!!! :)
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