Probably won't believe this but having bought a new PC on 1st November this year and having transferred all date etc from my old one, I noticed a strange event the other day! I have always been concious of the disk space I have used and on my old one I had taken up 50gb max.
This new PC has a 500gb hard drive and after downloading GOGGLE EARTH, I encountered problems with that programme and uninstalled it.
Whilst the PC was on standby, I noticed "activity" and when going into Task Manager and processes, saw that Google Earth was the only programme working and at 25% usage???
I stopped it and later noticed that from 40gb having being used an additional 40+gb and disappeared on my hard drive read out.
I have since tried to install and use Google Earth but apart from the first use each time it will not do so and I have uninstalled and re-installed several times but with the same result.
A search shows no trace of Google Earth yet when I used Spy Bot search and destroy, it showed numerous references to a user file with Google Earth listed - C:\Users\Ange and Geoffs\Appdata\locallow\GoogleEarth\uniffied_cache_leveldb.
I cannot find any other explanation than that my hard drive usage has "fallen into a black hole"?
My total HD usage is 107gb!!