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  • System: windows_7_home_premium

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  1. So I can continue lay install this Onto my pc?
  2. Should I try installing windows over again before buying new ram? And can I use the windows 7 more than once ?
  3. If you are certain this is the problem ill go ahead and purchase new ram
  4. Since I have used the wrong ram up till now will this if damaged any other parts of the computer ?
  5. Sorry I mean the corsair http://www.ebuyer.com/247674-corsair-8gb-ddr3-1333mhz-xms3-memory-cmx8gx3m2a1333c9?utm_source=google&utm_medium=products&gclid=CIbajc7Tj7QCFe_MtAodBm0Axw
  6. That's about £11 more than the first one you suggested do you think there better of should I go with the crucial ones
  7. Yes I can download it but I can't install it when I click nothing appears
  8. I think it's just my computer that's not letting me do that due to the problem if your certain that this will fix the problem ill go ahead and purchase it now
  9. Ok I really appreciate your help my computer doesn't let me install the crucial software for some reason when I double click it nothing happens so it must be the ram thanks for your help and do I just need to open the computer and take out the 2 sticks and put in the new ones the turn it on ?
  10. I have windows 7 home premium 64bit is there anyway you can check if it is the ram because it most likely is but it's strange. How it worked for about a month and then stopped Do I need to restore my whole system to install the ram or does it just work straight away and will the ram be compatible with the motherboard
  11. Do you reccomend any ram that would work I might like to go to 8gb if you think it would work fine I play games mostly like cod skyrim arma 2 day z mod minecraft they all seemed to work fine until yesterday and what do you mean about the graphics card is there going to be a problem with it ? And should I change that ?
  12. Thanks Yes I'm not sure how I picked the wrong parts I had lots of people helping me pick the parts that's a shame Is there nothing I can't do without opening the pc first and do I need to install anything after I have switched the ram cards
  13. Hi everyone I was wondering if you all could help me I recently built my own gaming pc its been working fine for a month I was playing earlier then went out for a meal game back and it wasn't working I have Skype which usually starts up and steam says its running but it's not and I can't open files without a error I tried a system restore but it said something about memory When I picked the parts the error message did not come up about the ram being incompatible would you reccomend a solution or do I need to purchase new ram which would suck but I will of I have to http://pcpartpicker.com/uk/p/kcSB Any ideas how to solve this issue are appreciatrd Please ca I gets a solution fast as I need the computer for school work also
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