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  • System: windows_7_home_premium

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  1. Okay, I was just asking if its not worth it and if it's best just to buy a new laptop. Yeah I've tried Safe Mode and Last Known Good Configuration but still get the same results (screen goes black and reboots itself). I've tried near enough all of the options on the 'F8' screen but the same thing still happens. Is there a problem with the OS and does it need re-installing? What steps would you recommend? Thanks again
  2. Okay thanks for your reply. I don't get any error messages, it gets to the screen where the windows animation (logo) comes up, the screen goes black for a few minutes, then it reboots itself. It's my uncles laptop and he just asked me to have a look at it, so I am unsure whether he has backup/recovery disks, he is a super-novice at computers so he probably doesn't. What are the steps to fixing the laptop and are these steps relatively easy? Will it be costly if I take it too get repaired, the laptop cost around £300 to buy so is it really worth getting ripped off by a computer shop? Thanks
  3. I've got a E-systems sorrento 1 laptop thats running windows 7 and I'm having problems with getting it to boot up. When I turn it on it brings up the 'windows error recovery' screen with the options 'launch startup repair' and 'start windows normally'. Whichever option I select doesn't work, it gets through to the screen where the windows logo appears and then the screen turns black and then it reboots itself. I've tried everything, used all the options when pressing F8, such as safe mode and repair but non of these options work, they just do the same thing as before (doesn't boot and screen eventually goes black). I've pressed F2, gone into BIOS and I noticed that the CD drive were set as priority, I moved the HDD too priority and still get the same results. Also in BIOS I noticed when I selected 'setup defaults' (F9) in the 'Boot' tab, it put the CD drive as priorty and the HDD second. I am rather confused and have run out of solutions. Help needed!! Thanks
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