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  • System: windows_7_ultimate

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  1. Well, I solved it. I don t know how. I changed activeX options in internet explorer ( ccclaner had found many activeX errors in register), also I ran the memory diagnostic tool. The blue screen apeared 1 more time, but since then nothing..... thanks for the help
  2. when i uninstalled avast it worked fine for a good time, also whocrashed.exe now indicates this thing. but I will try what you said
  3. My pc started to give many bluscreens and crashes, all pfn_list_corupt or memory management. So I used whocrashed.exe to find out what was going on and it said that it was an incompatible driver, avast. Then i uninstalled my avast and it stopeed........ now i m getting with same bluscreens, I checked whocrashed.exe and it said that the problem was in memory corruption, probably because a third party progam called shareduserdata.sys, it was requesting the update of this driver. Problem is: I have no idea of what this is and how I can update/remove shareduserdata.sys. Someone has any idea of how I solve this blue screen? ( screen shot atached, see the top crash)
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