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  • System: windows_vista

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  1. You see that is the thing, this is a modified version of this board, all on board graphics have been removed :(
  2. Hello, I cant actually get in to the drive manager because the pc wont boot on this new card, therefore i can not istall the drivers and i only have the one pci slot so the other was already disabled.
  3. Hello, i have used gpu-z and it says that my pci-e port is - PCI-E 1.1 x16@ x16 1.1 if this means anything. Thank you for the fast reply :)
  4. Hello, today i bought a gtx 650 as i wanted to enhance my gaming but when i plugged it in i just got a no signal screen. yes i have plugged the power in and i have checked in the bios to see if it is active. This card is PCI-E 3.0, mine is only 1.0 could this possibly be the problem? also when i put my old graphics card back in it works. i have also tried the gtx in my dads system and it works fine, what could it be? Specs: Core 2 duo 2.66 E6700 GTX 650 Foxconn n15235 ezcool power supply 500 watt
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