file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Belarc/BelarcAdvisor/System/tmp/(chris-PC).html Theses are my computer hardware specs.
I have checked all connections and they are fine.
When my pc is not running a game or software the gpu temp is 30 degrees or under and when im running a game or software it reaches around the 40-50 mark.
I have uninstalled all gpu drivers and installed the more up to date drivers.
when it allows me i have set up the crossfire in the bios.
The noises came from my monitor because that was the audio format i was using.
The problem still persists, i am worried about the slots my graphics cards are inserted into. One of them appears to only contain half the golden pins than the other but when this slot is used my grpahics card works perfectly fine, could this be a problem for crossfiring alone? every slot and graphics card works fine when only one is used. Thanks for the advice:D