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  • System: windows_7_home_premium

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  1. Final Update i hope >>> Friends pc continues to work normally. Appreciate all the help given in this forum . This thread can now be closed please . THANKS Kep
  2. Hi I think i have managed to clear the problem this evening on my friends pc. Not sure what was the actual cure but this is what i did :- If you remember he was getting a warning of A TROJAN named Hider each time he booted up, Avg would not update or run a scan, and internet explorer would open 50% of sites seached. . So :- 1. I uninstalled Avg. 2. I restored system to a point 14 days earlier using the restore option. 3. The pc then allowed me to download Chrome , free version of Avast, and free version of Malwarebytes. Immediately all web pages became available in Chrome. A full scan of MalwareBytes found and trapped two Trojans. A quick scan of Avast found two more trojans of very low threat. Friend is going to do another full scan on Avast tomorrow. So at the moment his pc is running faster and looks reasonably clean. By no means am i a teckie , i am guessing the problem lurked in Internet EXplorer ( i may be wrong). The combination of the above hopefully has improved matters considerably. Friend says he looks forward to running scans on a regular basis. If he gets any problems in the future i will certainly return to this forum. Just one question now remains......... he likes Chrome , he uses Google for his search engine........... Would it make sense to un-install Internet Explorer, or should i leave it sitting on his pc ? Regards Kep
  3. THANKS , I will try those downloads asap.... will they be ok in normal mode or should i try and download in safemode. He is on Win XP , and Internet Explorer ( not sure which version ). Regards Kep
  4. Thanks for your reply. I shall visit him and log in using my username etc. Not sure when it will be. What is the best time of day when you guys are around ? I will try the adviceyou listed first. Many thanks Kep
  5. Hello, A friend is notified by AVG eveytime he boots up of a threat > Trojan Horse HIDER.MPR..... The option to place in the vault does not work. Running a full AVG scan says it is complete after only one second, so scan is ineffective .Neither will it allow an AVG update. So i assume the Trojan is compromising his pc. He can get into some websites via Internet explorer but not all he wishes to. He / myself are not great teckies.... 1. Would going back to a previous restore point help, assuming one has been created ? 1. If the threat allows would downloading KASPERSKEY FREE REMOVAL TOOL be of any use ? Would it work if an AVG scan doesnt work ? 2. Can you advise any other procedure that may help. He thinks this problem occurred when he accessed a free live soccer website approx a week ago . Your advice would be appreciated. Kep
  6. STARBUCK Your help is very much appreciated. Many thanks Kep
  7. I have un-installed Zone Alarm. Taking the query a stage further >>>> I have exactly the same set up on my old desktop pc . The only difference from laptop is that the pc is running xp and not windows 7. It is directly wired to the router and not wifi. Safe to un-install ZONEALARM on this pc as well ? Regards Kep
  8. HI Thanks for your prompt reply. Zone Alarm is Free Antivirus + Firewall version Looks like i should remove it......... Thanks for your advice, much appreciated. Kep
  9. I have Windows 7 home premium laptop running Google Chrome. For security i have Zone Alarm ,MalwareBytes , Avast version 8.0.1483 . Windows firewall. and whatever may be inbuilt. Avast manages to trap the odd url. I run full scans every week of MalwareByes and Avast. The problem i have is that the pc loads up internet pages annoyingly slow. If i disable Zone Alarm the internet surfing has an almost instant response. How much risk will i have if i was to un-install Zone Alarm....... do i really need it ? I understand my fibre router has a firewalll as well as Windows 7 Would i be safe enough ? I use laptop for email, net surfing, Skype , Yahoo Messenger . Your advice and comments would be appreciated. Regards Kep
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