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Everything posted by janinebl

  1. Should've seen this coming! The drive won't recognise the cleaner disc so no cleaning. I expect the next step will have to be replacement but it's annoying because the drive has hardly been used at all (otherwise I'm sure I'd,ve realised there was a problem while it was still under warranty). It plays DVDs absolutely fine, it tries to write DVDs but that operation seems to invariably fail and it just does nothing with CDs now (where for a while it played them very badly). Possibly the last time I shell out 50% extra to have a name brand! janine
  2. I'll look for a lens cleaner tomorrow and post back. janine
  3. I suspect you're right! Cheers for all suggestions janine
  4. Thanks for prompt replies Yeah, do have the latest drivers. The light comes on and it knocks around a bit but doesn't get into a purposeful spin (if you know what I mean) and then zilch - doesn't report that it has a disc or anything. janine
  5. I have a Phillips DVDR1648P1 drive in my PC which I put in a couple of years ago. It plays DVDs and it has also written them although I have had problems here but that may have been to do with duff discs. It will have nothing whatsoever to do with CDs anymore - won't even read them. The drive is running in DMA mode (something I read said to check that) and Windows and SiSoft Sandra both say it's ok but its lack of functionality tells a different story. Thanks to anyone who has any suggestions janine
  6. Hello, I'm new to this forum and I'm hoping that someone will be able to help me with a ittle problem that I have and that my chunky XP system and myself will enjoy another happy five years (with some minor upgrades) together. janine
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