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  • System: windows_7_home_premium

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  1. Apologies to everyone, but I have been away working for a couple of weeks, so have not been able to reply to this! I am still having trouble, and have not been able to access the drive. Are there any other tricks that might get my data back? The drive is defintely powering up, then clicking a few times. Could the freezing method damage it even more? Thanks!
  2. And it has also passed the extended test... but it still says the disk is unavailable? [ATTACH=CONFIG]1957[/ATTACH]
  3. It has passed the quick test, I am now going to do an extended test.
  4. Ok, I have done that.... it says the drive is not available? [ATTACH=CONFIG]1956[/ATTACH]
  5. http://support.wdc.com/product/download.asp?groupid=606&sid=3 would this work?
  6. Hello! Thank you so much for the help... The HDD is a Western Digital Scorpio Blue - where might I find a drive checker? :S
  7. I got an error message :( [ATTACH=CONFIG]1954[/ATTACH]
  8. Also - Thank you Armageddon, but my PM messages do not seem to be sending!
  9. Hello! I have reconnected the disk, and disk manager has given me a pop up box, saying that I have to intialize the disk before it can be accessed. Do I press OK or will this damage it more? [ATTACH=CONFIG]1953[/ATTACH]
  10. Hello! I have gone into Disk Management, and it sees the disk (it is labeled as Disk 1) but it says it is unknown and not initialized. I really need to be able to get the data off this, as it has some photos and work on for university. I have tried to post a screenshot, but cannot make it bigger! Any advice would be very helpful. Thank you. [ATTACH=CONFIG]1952[/ATTACH]
  11. Hello! Desperate panic here... My old laptop has died, and I am trying to recover the data from the harddrive using a sata/ide usb adapter from Maplin. I have watched this being carried out successfully in the past (with another laptop of mine), but this is the first time I have tried to do it myself. The drive is powering up, and the laptop can 'see' the old drive via the usb, but it has no letter and I am unable to access any of the data. The drive is also not showing up in 'my computer'. I dont know if I am doing something wrong or if it is totally screwed up. Any help or tips would be great! Thank you.
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