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  1. Do you think there will ever be a way to decrypt them? It got to every drive on the computer, even my external backup! Thank g-d I remembered that I had a backup disk that I made in January. The newer stuff will be lost until someone comes up with a fix but at least Ive got 90% backup. Thanks for your help. If you come across anything helpful please let me know. Edited by Plastic Nev. to remove E mail address to prevent scammers using it. Nev.
  2. Looking for active infection ... No active infection was found! Scanning 1 folder(s): C:\TEMP Finished! BTW: here is what I found posted on Norton's forums: At the moment the personal files encrypted on the drive(s) seem to be encrypted with RSA , so without the private encryption key decryption by a tool is not available and at this point and not fesible.
  3. Dirty Decrypt First I used Kapersky Rescue Disk Boot CD to clean my computer of the actual FBI/Dirty Decrypt virus. Then I tried Kapersky rannohdecryptor.exe & pandaunransom.exe. Neither worked. Kapersky, when trying to compare a good file to a bad, kept saying the two files were different sizes! Well one is encrypted, the other clean. I would really just settle with paying the bad guys to decrypt my files, but I don't know how to get in touch with them...
  4. I was infected with the FBI & Dirty Decrypt virus. I was able to clean my computer of the virus but am left with almost all my files encrypted (word/excel/pdf/jpg etc.). I tried several online decryption tools without any luck. I see someone else had started a thread to this problem but looks to be abandoned. Please, can anyone help me decrypt and recover all my files?:(
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