Hi there. I have an HP G60-235DX laptop with windows vista as the operating system. Ive been having issues with keeing a charge, but i need a new battery and cord. So, i was using my laptop and i have to keep it plugged in to work. I looked down at the charge indicator light and saw it wasnt on. I couldnt figure out why at that moment but it powered off. A few minues later i plugged it back in and it worked so i continued my work. Then, it did it again so i made a the quick decision of moving a few small files onto a USB, but i didnt have enough time. It shutoff again near completion of moving the files. I then figured out that the metal to my charge cable and laptop werent connecting becuse it was bent. So, i bent it back and got it to hold a charge. The screens that showed on start up are the HP logo and Press the ESC Key For startup menu then it's a black screen that says Missing Operating System_. I need to know if theres a fix for this because the files i was trying to move were important and i hope that they are not now corrupted. I don't know too much about computers, so i appreciate any help.