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  • System: windows_7_home_premium

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  1. I updated my daughters Dell from windows 7 to windows 8 with no problems except for one.Because I was nervous about her loosing some of her data [260gb] I suggested that she transfer it all onto a substantial external disk before i did the update. But when I looked at the system there was still 63gb in use and she maintained that she had deleted all her data. After a while I gave up trying to find where this was hidden and carried out the transfer to windows 8 and there it all is, all 65gb of it. I cannot find it despite using all the usual checks but any advice would be much appreciated. I should say that when I started working with computers the total memory was two floppy disks so i tend to be careful about holding too much data.
  2. Many thanks for the input Randy. I tried a system restore but of course the problem appeared after a weekends work updating and downloading lots of files and the restore did not work. After your advice I just took the plunge and moved further back in time and it has worked OK this time. again many thanks Ron
  3. I just did an Adobe Update and it has converted lots of my files to a PDF format that cannot be opened. Anybody else had this problem and found a solution. Ron
  4. Many Thanks to Plastiv Nev and Synaps I think that I will settle for a couple of standard 500GB Mechanical drives the comment about SAT2 and SAT3 was most enlightening. The way I see it some programming inside the BIOS or the Chip Converts and Separates incoming data automatically dividing it across the two disks and the reverse happens with outgoing Data. I certainly run the system in this fashion and there is no indication of the raid system being in operation. So I suppose the question is if I do a disk copy onto a single external hard drive the raid system should create a single disk of data. If I then install the two bigger hard disks and copy the data back the raid system should just divide and reload the data onto the new disks. This assumes that the raid system is effectively independent of the disks ????? Unless the disks have to be formatted in a specific manner. Regards Ron
  5. Hi All The title is pretty self explanatory, I have a Dell Dimension 9200 desktop It has two hard drives Linked via a RAID system in the BIOS. I have not heard much about this RAID system over the past few years but it used to be popular on industrial computers with multiple drives. For anybody that has not heard of RAID this system is a process where Two Hard Drives appear as one and the software posts half of any data simultaneously onto the two drives effectively halving access times.Unfortunately mine are now running at 75% usage so I am considering updating the drives but retaining the Raid system as it really speeds up disk access times. I have three questions............ - Anybody done this before who can advise me of likely problems. - Dell's recommended substitute is 2 SSD Hard Disks at about 500gb each and about £500 is this worthwhile. - I am a bit out of touch so what would anybody recommend for a twin 500gb non SSD disc setup. I look forward to any advice Ron
  6. Many Thanks Ken and Randy. I cannot work this text system yet but your advice has been very good. I don't understand how it has worked but that is why I contacted yourselves. Your help is much appreciated. Regards Ron
  7. Suddenly I cannot open a lot of my desktop items because The Protocol "HTTP" does not have a registered program. I just cannot find a method of recovering from this. Any help or advice much appreciated.
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