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  1. I agree with Randy! I've totally disabled Windows updates so I only update when I want. Once a month is good for me. http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/how-to/windows/3424920/how-stop-windows-8-installing-updates-automatically/
  2. Hi, A new version of ScreensPRO for MAC is going to be released to fully support multi-monitors. Therefore I am looking for 3 beta testers of the new app: http://screenspro.com/software Each of you will get a Lifetime license worth 14,99$. Currently our Beta Tester list for MAC has 7 people and getting to 10 would be a perfect number. All I need to know is if the new Beta version is working :) About ScreensPRO: This is a MAC and Windows app that provides beautiful HD Video Live Screensavers and Wallpapers (coming up in May). Cheers! M.
  3. Hi Bob, I'm attaching a screenshot, with a tablet with the same issue. This problem is common in Nexus 10 and eventually you will need to return the tablet to Samsung and ask for a new one. But before that, try this: -Turn Wi-Fi completely and recharge the tablet and then see how long it will last -If it doesn't work, make a factory reset of the tablet -If it doesn't work, you will need to send the tablet to Samsung because some battery cells might be dead. [ATTACH=CONFIG]1408.vB5-legacyid=2482[/ATTACH]
  4. My nephew has one and he is pretty happy with it! He is 8. The only cons I would point out is battery..it lasts for very short periods of time, so I got him a powerbank..
  5. Hi Bob, If you get Lastpass, make sure you also use Yubico https://www.yubico.com/ (Recommended by Google and Facebook guys) I've been using it since 2013 (2 keys, one as backup), and it really makes sure your internet world is protected.
  6. "Late" Happy Birthday Ken. Even tough we don't meet personally, it has been a pleasure to work with you here at FPCH and we will surely meet once as soon as I travel to UK, if I can find you available ofc! :) ALL THE BEST!
  7. Happy Birthday Peter! Have a Great day today!! :D
  8. Last Night we did a domain upgrade to FPCH. Basically we deleted the .CO in our domain address and we are now freepchelp.uk This has no implication for you as a FPCH user as all links are now being redirected to the new domain name in a proper way. Nonetheless, If you have a signature with links to the forum, We'd appreciate if you edit it and replace by the new domain so that in the future your signature will show the new link :) That's it! Thank you for reading
  9. I've just rooted my Nexus 5 yesterday with this new tool. It took me 1 minute only and the guys from LifeHacker also recommend it: http://lifehacker.com/towelroot-roots-android-kitkat-devices-in-one-tap-no-p-1592226618 Download here: http://towelroot.com/ Depending on the Android version you have it might work like a charm. My main reason to make a root: Needed to record video from the phone screen in a better way than using Command Propmpt from the PC.
  10. Hi folks, 2 days ago me and my team released a new application for Android and therefore I would love to share with you what it is about as well as get some feedback for improvements, crash reports, and what you like on it. This app comes in the sequence of the very rumored 3D phone from Amazon and we are working to make it totally 3D compatible. This is also the reason I've been a little off from the forum :D [ATTACH=CONFIG]1238.vB5-legacyid=2245[/ATTACH] What is this app about? 3D Live Wallpapers is basically an app that is going to have more than 100 live wallpapers to apply on your Android Phone. It is compatible with All android versions after 2.1. But these are not just simple wallpapers taken from the web. We dedicated several weeks to make all the live wallpapers and render them. If you are familiar with rendering, this is something that can take hours..days per each piece of design! I won't be reviewing the app as I would get very biased in the evaluation and I will leave that for you ;) Beside the Pro's that you are going to point out, here are my con's: Battery will drain faster - This is a hardware issue and we can't do anything about it :( The 2 ads re from Google are somewhat intrusive - That is the reason the app is free :) Here are some screenshots: [ATTACH=CONFIG]1234.vB5-legacyid=2241[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1235.vB5-legacyid=2242[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1236.vB5-legacyid=2243[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]1237.vB5-legacyid=2244[/ATTACH] You can download it from the Google PlayStore for free: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fatowl.screenspro3d
  11. Yes. Totally right! Now, seems like another scam like this is going with Apple where they setup a phishing page on an ea.com domain: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-57620607-83/hackers-transform-ea-web-page-into-apple-id-phishing-scheme/ Beware folks!
  12. This is one of the best scams I've seen so far as it is using Google Docs and I believe the "conversion ratios" are high. In fact, it is using a google URL and an SSL encryption. [ATTACH=CONFIG]1188.vB5-legacyid=2168[/ATTACH] The only way to avoid this phishing is following the Gizmodo advices: Source
  13. I did some research and so far what I can see is that extensions can only control one volume. But I need to ask someone who is an expert in the field :)
  14. The Leef Bridge 2.0 is already on sale on Amazon and the 3.0 version is on RadioShack. At Amazon, the Leef Bridge 2.0 costs 19.99$+Shipping: http://www.amazon.com/Leef-Bridge-Windows-tablet-Android/dp/B00DGNSLSG/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1395077996&sr=8-2&keywords=leef+bridge It is actually a nice way way to move files between the Android phone and a PC or Mac for the ones who hate clouds, Dropboxes or Google Drives. Would you buy one? Why not? Why yes? My personal opinion: My 70gb Dropbox rocks, but for those who still prefer the old way of moving files this can be good and that is why I offered one of these to my sister last week!
  15. Well, I will ask a friend if he can develop that extension :D I will post here if we make it ;)
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