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Everything posted by john-the-plotter

  1. That is correct Ken. Each time I log on "windows file protection" comes up. If I try and fix it by putting the disk in the drive it still asks for the disk each time it find a problem. On the first few problems it asks for windows pro disk then it switches to windows home. My system is loaded with windows home and is the same disk the windows was installed from. and is a genuine copy which I purchased along with the licence to use it. I have stopped trying to run the windows file protection and just override it each time. The pc seems to run reasonable well apart from the odd crashes, but I guess something is wrong and windows needs repairing. John
  2. Thanks Ken, I will ignore the dmp error as the pc seems to be working ok apart from the odd crash. One other problem I get is when windows loads and I log onto the pc, it comes up with system file checker. When I insert the genuine xp disc that the pc is loaded with it keeps asking for a windows pro disk. I say no to ingore that file but it just keeps asking for the disc to be inserted, even though the disk is in the drive. So I have been aborting this message each time.
  3. Just occasionally I get a dmp error like I got this evening. (never done anything about them before) System is windows xp with sp3 and all updates. What was I doing at the time ? I had not long turned the pc on and was waiting for "Thunderbird" to open when the pc froze . Upon rebooting the PC I got the Microsoft error message. "The system has recovered from a serious error" The error I got last evening was local~1\temp\wer93.ad.dir00\mini061815-01.dmp There was a second line but I forgot to copy it. Need I worry about these errors, and if so what do I do about it. . Ps. I may not be able to respond to your replies for a couple of days but I will as soon as. John
  4. I have the two drives set up on Raid, When I boot using the "D" drive I can see some of the files on "C" but not all. It doesn't allow me to see the emails on Mozilla Thunderbird for instance.
  5. HI Nev I understand what you say and cannot disagree. Is there anyway I can remove the o/s from the "C" drive without loosing all the other files/data ?
  6. Hi Ken. Here is what happens. I have set the bios to boot from drive "D" which is the one that will fully boot. so I reboot the sysytem and press f8 key to get the alternative booting options then I chose drive "C" this boots as far as the blue windows welcome screen, with the message box that says"you must activate windows before you can logon" "do you wish to active windows now yes/no" I makes no differance if whether I say yes or no; all that happends is that the desktop picture background loads and that's it. Ctrl-alt-del does not open nor does the windows key do anything. even if a got a code from Microsoft there is nowhere available to enter it. I did previously try system restore before the activate days ran out. but it didn't solve the problem. I have internet access on drive "D" but drive "C" doesn't load the internet connection.
  7. This problem has happened to me before with windows asking me to re-activate it. I have just forgotten exactly what it says, but it is something like "due to significant hardware or registry changes you must re-activate your copy of windows" The only hardware changes was me uninstalling a printer and then re installing it. Windows did not give me the 30 days as it usuallly does, only about 2 days. now it wont activate at all. You wonder why I have got a copy of windows on each drive. Well this is due to having many occassions of windows developing faults. the last time I decided to reformat drive C and reload windows. I already had windows on drive D because C had gone down so I just left that on. I have tried the repair install before I contacted the forum but this did not clear the problem. System has been scaned with Avast and Malaware Bytes and finds nothing. I know Mr Gates is not happy with his multimillions of dollars but he makes the rules and I accept that. Because windows on the C drive does not completely load, it wont connect to the internet to reactivate.. I bought the computer about 10 years ago from"Mesh computers". I came preloaded with windows, as most pc's do but no recovery disc. Some years ago, after windows went badly wrong the only option I had was to purchase another copy of Windows Xp and reformat/reinstall. I now realise that all I bought was the licence to use the program.. "you buy a car, you can use it but it is not yours"!!
  8. I have a pc loaded with windows xp home +sp3, for which I have the genuine windows disc that I purchased legally. Recently due to problems with a printer software I had to edit the printer in the registry. Because of the registry being altered windows asked me to reactivate my copy. I tried to but for some reason the activation would not do anything. Then I read on a website that I could alter the registry so that windows would no longer require re-activation. Going into hkey_local_machine\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\wpaevents and edit oobetimer key value and set its value to ff d5 71 d6 8b 6a 8d 6f d5 33 then select system group/user and check deny all options. This I have done very carefully but still windows asked for reactivation. Now the time limit has run out and all I get is part of the desktop picture no icons, and the window asking me to activate it. as I have no desktop items showing I cannot connect to the internet to do the activation. Fortunately I have two drives in my system, both loaded with windows xp home from the same disc. So I have been able to connect to the internet by going into the second drive and using that. How can I activate windows on my C drive Any ideas ?
  9. Looks as though you seem to have exhausted all possibilities, but I am not totally convinced the drive is dead. It is not all that old and has not had a great deal of use. The unit is sealed so I can't take it apart to try what you suggested. The fact that some part of windows sees the drive and recognises that it is a Samsung M3, leads me to think that all is not lost. I must try it in another pc and see what happens. It loots to me as though the drive is no longer NTFS, but I cannot find a way to reformat it. I have got the Seatools drive tester burned onto a cd and run it as they tell you to. but for some reason it doesn't see any of my drives. If you think you have exhausted all your ideas I will leave it at that , but I will carry on trying thinks in hope that it may someday work again. Thanks for your help so far John
  10. http://samsunghdd.seagate.com/gb/en/ My drive is Samsung M3 500gb It just has 1 usb connector and runs off the pc. I know the drive is usb3 and I am on usb2 but it will work with usb2 just slower. I am pretty sure it is not a PSU issue, this was replaced a few years ago with a 500w unit and has never given any problems and the rest of the pc works ok. As for a USB problem, other phericals work in all the rear usb ports which is where I am plugging this. And when I plug the drive into a port, Windows sees it and installs it, yet I doesn't show up in my computer as I described earlier. nor does it's software see it.
  11. Hi DSTM Tried that, and the hard drive is not listed, only the main hard drive showing 466gb.
  12. Sorry Ken, what I forgot to mention is that I was operating on a 80gb hard drive unpartioned, but I have swapped that for a 500gb drive that is partitioned. Hope that explains the difference. the reason for the swap is that I am trying to run 2 x 500gb drives on raid, to replace the 80gb drive but that is another story.
  13. Hi Ken Unsure why I deleted the image, maybe it wasn't the right image but I have uploaded the correct one. Main drive as you will see is partitioned into c & d and the cd rom and dvd drives also show, but the external doesn't.
  14. I have attached a copy of disk management screen and also tried the diskpart list volumes. Both these give the same result Volume 0 drive D dvd-rom Volume 1 drive E cd-rom Volume 2 drive C internal main hard drive Volume 3 drive F This is the card reader on my printer The external drive does not show uphttp://extremetechsupport.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2336&d=1390005894&thumb=1http://extremetechsupport.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2335&d=1390941764&thumb=1 Having now seen both those prints I notice that dvd drive and external drive are both shown as volume 0 could this be the problem ? And if so do I need to re-consign dvd drive to another number, say 4 Thanks
  15. I have attached a copy of disk management screen and also tried the diskpart list volumes. Both these give the same result Volume 0 drive D dvd-rom Volume 1 drive E cd-rom Volume 2 drive C internal main hard drive Volume 3 drive F This is the card reader on my printer The external drive does not show up[ATTACH=CONFIG]2336[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2335[/ATTACH] Having now seen both those prints I notice that dvd drive and external drive are both shown as volume 0 could this be the problem ? And if so do I need to re-consign dvd drive to another number, say 4 Thanks John
  16. Hi DSTM I tried the format link you gave me. when I go into device manager it sees the drive and says it is working. When I go in my computer or administrative tools it doesn't show up, so nothing to format. I don't think the option of installing the drive internally will solve the problem, it is external as a back up drive only.
  17. System is xp home sp3 I recently had internet problems which I posted in that section, various people helped me including Starbuck and Ken. I ended up doing an install/repair which after that downloaded 128 updates. And I thought the problems were solved, now two new problems have occured. I went to use Windows search today only to find the search companion and the original style search are both missing. I have tried the Microsoft fix and also going into the %systemroot%.inf folder and %srchasst%,inf and doing an install. Neither of these have fixed the problem. I have tried it in safe mode but it is still not there. The other problem is that I just installed a Kodak printer software update; now each time I log on, windows asks me to install the printer, even though it is installed. I dont want to do a full reinstall of windows if I can help it. The pc has been checked with malwarebytes which found nothing. John
  18. This is a fresh post to the same problem that I posted earlier in the year that remained unsloved and I now have more information about the fault. I have a Samsung m3 500gb usb external hard drive that I cannot access. What I have done is incorrectly just unplugged the drive without going into the safely remove hardware mode therebye corrupting the file system I think. The file system should be ntfs but although the disc drive shows up in device manager it does not show in my computer nor can I access it from the software. I am not bothered about the files that were saved on it, I just want to see if I can get it usable again. How can I reformat the drive ? I am almost certain that the drive is ok, it lights up and you can hear the disc spinning. My pc is running on xp home 32 bit with sp3. There is no format facillity available on right click and the samsung software wont read the disc. Any Ideas would be most helpfull John
  19. Hi Starbuck I have done the repair install and then microsoft updates 128 of them. Also managed to load my printer software, so I think I am back to normal now. Many thanks for all your help and advice. Cheers John
  20. Hi Starbuck I followed your first repair and then tried the Kodak installation again, but still no luck. It accepts the disc and takes me throught the process, but at the end just keeps saying "installation unsucessful plase try again" With regards to SFC, I have the xp disc and this is a full xp home disc with sp3 , bought as new a few years back when I had other problems. At the time I did a format and full install. When I run SFC it starts and then asks me for the disc. I put the disc in the drive and each time it wants a file it asks me for the disc; so I have to sit there through the check pressing the retry button each time. I have not yet done any of your suggestions with regards to SFC and will wait for your further instuctions. Thanks John
  21. Hi Starbuck Couldn't sleep so I decided to run the tweaking program. Followed all your steps and it seems to have made the Pc faster in response. I tried a couple of websites and that seems to be a lot faster in access. During the repair when using SFC it asks for the disc each time it wants a file (over 200 times) so I guess that isn't working. Is it worth running SFC again to see if tweaking repair has fixed that? I have tried reinstalling my printer program again, both off the net and off the disc but it still wont install. Should I go to the printer forum with this or is it connected to my other problems ? Thanks John
  22. Here is the fix file log. [ATTACH]1311.vB5-legacyid=2324[/ATTACH] I have not had chance to see if the pc is running any better or to run the tweaking program. That may well be after the weekend. One thing I think is corrupt or not working properly is the msi file ( this was before the fix, don't know if it is now fixed) I had problems with my printer Kodak espC310 and decided to unistall the software. Now it won't load it again no matter what I try,(but that is a side issue ), would the msi fault be the problem ? Thanks John Fixlog.txt
  23. [ATTACH]1307.vB5-legacyid=2320[/ATTACH][ATTACH]1308.vB5-legacyid=2321[/ATTACH] Hope iv'e upload this right ? Addition.txt FRST.txt
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