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  • System: windows_7_ultimate

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  1. Hi KenB OUCH ! That is VERY EXPENSIVE ( speaking as a VERY PROUD TIGHTWAD ) but it is a new one, It's far over my budget, this laptop only cost me £10.00 so it's no great loss as I could always save it for a rainy day. I've been doing some research on this model and it seems to be a common fault that when this laptop gets overheated the 'Graphics Card' fails and you get a black screen. Cooking the motherboard sometimes works but isn't a permanent cure, saying that this laptop I'm using at this moment I 'cooked the motherboard' over a year ago ! ! BUT that is an Acer that I found to be very easy to repair. Take care all, Kimi.
  2. Hi Folks, I found out from the previous owner that the laptop used to get very very hot and the fan was very noisy, I stripped it down and found that the fan and cooling grills were blocked solid with hardened fluff, bits of tobacco and general nasty stuff, they also owned up to the fact that 2 months ago a glass of 'gin & tonic was spilled over the keyboard. The fan blades had a coating of muck stuck to them that tripled the thickness of the blades ! ! ! ! It never ceases to amaze me why people don't realize that computers need to be treated with respect and care if they are to perform at 100%. Anyway I tried all the suggestions from you but nothing, so whilst I had the laptop stripped completely down for cleaning I decided to 'COOK' the motherboard ( I have used this many times with complete success , but I'd only used this method on the 'ACER' brand of laptops ) It worked, I was able to enter the Bios etc, install Windows 7 Ultimate and all was fine for an hour or so and then it shut down and that was the end of that. It has returned to the black screen which makes me 95% that it needs a motherboard. So I'm now looking for a 'used motherboard'. It's an 'R18D DAR1 8DMB6D1 REV' For a Pavilion g6-1296sa Any offers ? Kimi
  3. ( I've had to re-wright this as for some reason not all the message appeared ) Hi Armageddon, Yes but as I said when I hit the power button I can hear the DVD RW spin up, then stop, the keyboard is lit but the screen is black. I've tried F2 , F8, F10 and Delete but nothing brings up the Bios up etc so I can re-set it to 'boot from CD' I've tried all the things I know that I've used over the years with various other laptops but this one is really annoying me. I've got an attitude that will not let me give in or be beaten (annoys the hell out of 'she who must be obeyed whilst she is within earshot' ! ! ! ) I've even tried removing the power supply and battery, then holding the power button down for 45seconds to drain all the power out of the board. I once had a similar problem with a Toshiba laptop and that turned out to be a faulty RAM, unfortunately I don't have another DDR3 to try and I don't fancy wasting £29.00 for another from Ebay ........ Yesterday I even tried putting the faulty Hd back in and the screen lit up telling me that it couldn't find the hardrive / operating system but before I could react it reverted back to a black screen. Sorry about that folks, Kimi
  4. Hi Armageddon, Yes but as I said when I hit the power button I can hear the DVD RW spin up, then stop, the keyboard is lit but the screen is black. I've tried F2 , F8, F10 and Delete but nothing brings up the Bios up etc so I can re-set it to 'boot from CD' I've tried all the things I know that I've used over the years with various other laptops but this one is really annoying me. I've got an attitude that will not let me give in or be beaten (annoys the hell out of 'she who must be obeyed whilst she is within earshot' ! ! ! ) I've even tried removing the power supply and battery, then holding the power button down for 45seconds to drain all the power out of the board. I once had a similar problem with a Toshiba laptop and that turned out to be a faulty RAM, unfortunatly I don't have another DDR3 to try and I don't fancy wasting £29.00 for another from Ebay ........ Yesterday I even tried putting the faulty Hd back in and the screen lit up telling me t
  5. Hi, my HP Pavilion g6-1296sa has had a new Formatted 500gig hard drive fitted to it, I've got a windows 7 disc and the serial number. But when I've inserted the W7 disc and press the power button the laptop turns on, I can hear the W7 disc in the disc drive start up, stop and then nothing, just a blank screen. I've checked the hard drive and W7 disc in my ACER ASPIRE 7720 and it loads W7 fine, so I know that the new hard drive is fine, the W7 disc is fine but I'm stumped now. The HP pavilion g6-1296sa stopped working saying that it couldn't find the operating system / hard drive, I also heard the hard drive making a 'clicking' sound, that is known as the 'click of death' and so I bought a new hard drive for it. Has the old hard drive also killed the motherboard ? As I've said I'm stumped.. :confused: Thank You all in advance, Kimi
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