hey, tried the recovery console n got followin mess back - the volume appears to contain one or more unrecoverable problems.
I don't know how to slave the drive or clone it, do u think i'm just best off gettin a new drive?
Thanks for all the help guys :)
the blue screen says UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME
tech info: STOP: 0x000000ED (0x867838A8, 0xC000014F, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
anyone know how I can sort this prob pls, thx 4 ur help;);)
Hi, I hope someone can help with this prob. PC boots up, shows gigabyte motherboard page then asks if want to start win normally or in safe mode of from last known config. once selected (I have tried all options) the windows xp starts to load then quick flash of blue screen and then it starts from beginning again.
Blue screen is noth there long enough to read error code. I have tried Xpress Recovery2 cd that comes with motherboard but no change. Any help is much appreciated.