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About SPSpellman

  • Birthday 07/25/1959

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Retired SATV/CATV/Muscian
  • Real Name
    Scott Purifoy Spellman

Tech Info

  • Experience
  • System: windows_vista_home_2

SPSpellman's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. It's a EMachine T3604 Windows Home Vista 32 bit Desktop
  2. I'm here. My problem is I have no name for graphics in Device Mngr. or when I run "dxdiag".My graphics software is specific for Vista yet when I try to install it I get an error message saying my OP is NOT Windows Vista.But it is Vista.
  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-zlNB3z6LUhYk5zNjRoRS1yOVE/view?usp=sharing
  4. I did it..lol OK now can we address the ONLY two remaining issues.1. Windows Update failing 2.CPU runs at 100 %
  5. Inside the Reply box theres an icon that says insert image.Thats the only way I know how to upload photos. http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a135/MrBreeze1200/1_600x480_750x600.jpg http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a135/MrBreeze1200/2_600x480_600x480.jpg
  6. YES those are exactly the ones I want to feel good about. Every one of those settings shown are checked.Although I have twice as many settings in that box and they, too are checked.Can't upload photos of them in this reply. My concern is maybe they have something to do with the dad blame Windows Updates continued error and failing to update or even run.
  7. "Local Area Connection Properties" starts with "Client for Microsoft" I have photos I would love to upload but no matter how I resize them they won't upload that show the settings.
  8. Installed it. Not sure it ran. I don't know how to run it manually. Nevertheless Windows Update fails. I do however have the correct RAM and there are no startup problems whatsoever and THANK YOU for resolving that issue. Maybe because I have Vista SP2 that all the available updates are installed ? Upgrading to Windows 7 Premium is what I would like to do being certain that would install without issues. Also, I would like to at some point address the network settings everywhere I have access and control that effects me.
  9. Thanks. I'd like to add, the Network settings and all that implies and includes are of great concern to me not having set them correctly.
  10. [ATTACH=CONFIG]1500.vB5-legacyid=2593[/ATTACH]
  11. D has Vista Home Basic restore 2006 , an old version of everything ,IE, and other outdated software I removed when my Dell 4600 hard drive crashed.
  12. [ATTACH=CONFIG]1499.vB5-legacyid=2591[/ATTACH] Only this morning I had no problem starting it .It booted right up without a hitch. I am concerned about Windows Update showing no updates when I used recovery drive D the updates ran constantly. Can I be confident drive D has not been negatively effected by Tweaking.com All In One Repairs ? I do not have a or even understand how to create a recovery disk. Because this AM it booted and started without any problems showing is it safe "yet" to assume the RAM modules are the correct ones after one good start up ? Again, I can get the Crucial type modules as described in the scan. We will have to wait for them to come in the mail usually 3 business days. Thank you so much,Scott[ATTACH=CONFIG]1495.vB5-legacyid=2592[/ATTACH]
  13. That was before this AM start failed to boot. Repaired 1 root cause. Going call A Tech sales and get the right RAM module found by the "Crucial Scan" that suggested 5300 modules.Salesman said try the 4200 first if they dont solve the start up I'l send the 5300. Scott
  14. Man alive..ridiculous problems abound ,now. This AM cold start refused to start. ran Repair (1) root cause. Started up. Avast no longer runs and when I try to set it to Start Automatically or ANY other settings in Services it says Access Denied.#2 Second, I have No Restore points .I cannot use System Restore at all. I eventually get " Catastrophic Failure" 0x8000FFFF IN Safe Mode Command Prompt Run As Administrator sfc /scannow I get " Windows Resource Protection Could bot perform the requested operation". I read on line that with Command Prompt I should activate the Administrator so I did that yesterday with command prompt ...Now I have three user accounts when it starts..Administrator, MrBreeze and Scott.A Tech sales guy said he would send 5300 unbufferd RAM modules that was the suggested modules from the "Crucial scan" The date that Avast was Stopped was today at 1:05 PM..Im lost. Feels like I have zero control over this PC. Im thinking about re running Tweaking.coms latest version I donated $5.00 bucks yes I first ran it from disconnected power up into Safe Mode with Networking ran all the Repairs unchecked the Windows 8 10 boxes..I am overwhelmed. I have run Windows Repair two times in about 3 weeks but that was before I used the command prompt and opened up an Administrator user . Windows Repair was set to run on my Recovery partition disk D I pray that that was not infected or messed up.:confused2:
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