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About Pete10165

  • Birthday 01/10/1965

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_10

Pete10165's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi I keep getting a blue square say your license is due to expire soon I am using Win10 how can I stop this happening please any help will be appreciated THanks In Advance Pete
  2. Hi Rustys thank you for your reply yes I always limit the DVD/CD to the correct amount Im lost what do yu mean burn through windows I dont know that sorry Pete
  3. Thank You AWS for your reply and welcome
  4. Hi My name is Pete I live in Warrington UK not much of a computer buff but willing to learn from people If ive not answered something please ask Pete
  5. I have a DVD Burner drive and it always gives me problems the drive recognizes the disc it says 4.38GB free of 4.38 but still refuses to burn stuff I was wondering if something is ticked that shouldnt be or wrongly ticked or wrongly enabled or disabled device manager tells me that the device is working properly hope someone can help please the PC guy said have you cleaned it YES must be the software NOPE I have bought new software well it must be your settings then I asked what the correct settings are he said I will find out and get back to you he never did PLEASE HELP all I want to do is use the DVD player/burner/writer Pete
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