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About jacobixxzz

  • Birthday 03/25/1932

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_10

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. No email in inbox On the 3-23 email worked fine On the 24 email quit nothing in inbox and nothing in spam . Then I deleted all my emails. In the trash I have all emails up to the 23d I deleted them and restored computer to a later date. no help there. regsvr32 urlmon.dll loads ok these 3 do not.shdocw.dll mshtmi.dll broweui.dll Would these have anything to do with my email quit working? And if so what can I do to make them work?
  2. I plug the set that has 1 plugin into the earphone plugin on my comp. The computer tells me that I need to plug in my set. It just doesn't work. My settings seem to be ok. I need more advice. Thanks for the input
  3. On my w- 10 desktop I have a ear phone & microphone with 2 plugins. Now I bought a set that only has 1 plugin. What do I need to make this set work. It says I don't have it pluged in. Would I need bluetooth in my computer and how to tell if I do have it.
  4. i'm using and old XP system computer,it's hooked up from my w-10 computer with an ethernet cable and also with wi fi It shows that I'm conected to the internet but only some things will come in it seems the things that were downloaded years ago on there mostly work. I can use internet eaplorer and go to Fox News. But when I try to download something that's not already in the XP It says I'm not on the internet.
  5. need to go back to w-10 from w-7. I was in w-10 and put my computer in the out of the box recovery. and now I can't seem to find a way to go back to w-10. I go to security and don't find any place to go to w-10 now.
  6. I tried to restore 3 times but wasn't successful. I don't know if harddrive is full or if I have infection. need help with that.
  7. My computer don't send the message in email. Sends blank page. Also my computer doesn't respond alot when I click on places to go. It's gotten very slow.
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