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Aura Todd

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About Aura Todd

  • Birthday 10/27/1981

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_10

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Sorry i accidentally pasted by accident, I hope i wasn't being rude.
  2. I have just tried to join an important Zoom meeting which was just ten minutes and it took the whole ten minutes for the laptop to load! So I missed the damned meeting which i'm really annoyed about. I keep getting a black screen with just the cursor showing. So i had to keep pressing the power button (twice). Looks like I'll have to save up for a new lap top, when the shops eventually open that is. which could be months. The laptop is the only communication i have, can't even get it repaired if needs be, because they are also shut due to this lock-down. I've heard about CCleaner is it worth downloading, or will it mess my system up? Also how to I stop certain programs from loading every time i turn the PC on? Many thanks.
  3. No, one thing is wrong. I never said that I was asking where the USB might be, I haven't used a memory stick as yet. I'm autistic, so I'm often misunderstood. I tried two discs again , even after finalising them.
  4. I tried it and I'm still getting the same problem.
  5. Tried both discs this afternoon even after finalizing (on Ashampoo) on my dads DVD player, still says photo error. i tried another disc which I had ran through google Picasso through Ashampoo and that worked fine. I can't use Piccassa anymore as that doesn't exist, is there a similar programme to picassa I could use before running through Ashampoo. This is really frustrating me as i want to be able to play my photo's on a TV, just just my PC. My dads DVD player is a DVP-SRZ60H
  6. Thanks, I will try a finalise and see if that works.
  7. I've tried using the windows burner, i still had the same problem.
  8. I've done that through windows and it still wouldn't play.
  9. Yes Looking on Sunday, parents live out on a farm. On my dad's old machine wen I viewed Google Picassa, they play on his new machine (one's done with Picassa) not the one's done with Ashampoo.
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