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About Hedge

  • Birthday 10/03/1982

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  • System: windows_vista_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I haven't got windows live in program files...this is the problem, and when i go to to the live essentials web page n i click download, then it says it cannot download and to contact the server administrator. I am on dial up mobile broadband and should this affect it..i don't know what else to do!!
  2. P.s There is no windows live option in program files..like i said most of the components like movie maker etc are all there except messenger if thats any use?
  3. I have already uninstalled messenger, I have download both wlsetup.exe.part and all the other ones and it says the same message. When I go into downloads and double click on this icon, it says that wlsetup-custom.exe is not a valid Win32 application. What else can I do?
  4. Problem with Windows Live Messenger Right then, I have just tried downloading windows live again and this is the message I have just had: Downloads\wlsetup-custom.exe.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read. Try again later, or contact the server administrator. Can someone please help!!!
  5. Hi when I tried to log into windows live messenger the other day it said that I needed to update to continue. When I tried to download this update, it wouldn't do it. I uninstalled windows live messenger off the computer but have left most of the components that are a part of it there. I have then tried to download it again and to no avail. Can someone please help as I'm reaching the end of my tether slowly. Thanks
  6. ok no problem. the site where it is downloading from is currently undergoing maintenance but will try it again later. Thanks for your help. If I still have problems, then will be in touch.
  7. hi i have now downloaded the recommended java, and when I go onto the site, it says the message again. i will download it again to see if it persists. if it does, then what?
  8. hi, there is nothing in the add/remove programs. what do i do now..would you like a print screen of that in case its under a different name or something?
  9. i don't know. how do i check this.
  10. i have just reset the internet thing you said above, and it is internet explorer 7 we're using. what id the next step?
  11. I don't want to reset anything as I don't want to do something I shouldn't but how do I know what version I am using so I can do what you have suggested
  12. i'm not sure if there is one as when he was browsing, he couldn't view any videos and then that message appeared.
  13. is there a way of checking what internet explorer this is? Not sure if its a 7 as it is my father-in-law's computer
  14. Hi wolfey, I have done that as it said to remove adobe reader etc before downloadin it again. There is nothing in add/remove programs with the name flash. what shall i do?
  15. Hi, when I go onto various websites, it comes up with the following message Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. I have clicked on the link and it says that flash has been installed successfully, but yet I'm still experiencing the problem. Can anyone please help as I have reached the end of my teather. Thanks
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