Processer - i7-3770k
Ram - Corsair 8gb
GPU - GTX 980ti
PSU - 750w
OS - Windows 10
Currently I am trying to play Total War Warhammer 2, every time I start a campaign after the first end turn my whole pc will reboot. this happens even when I have just turned it on. I have been using CPUID HWmoniter to check what is going on. My pc is not overheating, im not using up all of my RAM or disk space while playing and my graphics card is up to date. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling my graphics cards, uninstalled and reinstalled steam as well as my game. plus I have also deleted all mods attached to the game and the vanilla game still crashes. So now im rather stuck on what else to do. If anyone knows what my problem is please let me know :)