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About reznor12

  • Birthday 12/07/1988

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I meant MS Essentials, i was getting muddled up. As for the zonealarm, go onto http://www.zonealarm.com/ and its on the front page. Ty for the info on it using kaspersky. How do you recon that compares to MS essentials, i shouldnt think the difference would be much, but i feel its always best to ask if not sure. Regards Rez
  2. It is free, its their new free firewall & antivirus pack. It's a fairly new option, so i am can't much non-biased opinions on the av side of it. Thanks for your opinion.
  3. I have ZoneAlarm free firewall, they are now offering a update that includes a anti-virus. Do you guys think its any good? I use windows defender atm, and run a malwarebytes scan once a week. regards Rez
  4. I realise I have been going the complete wrong way about partitioning. Thanks for the help anyway, I have sorted it now.
  5. I am trying to shirnk my main partition down to 250gb freeing up 200 gb for ubuntu. When I try to do so it is saying that i only have 81602 mb free. I know i have lots more than that because i have just moved all my videos and audio data(180gb) over to my external HD. I thought it may be a fragmentation probplem do i ran windows7 Disk defragmentaion. My disk is fragmented at 11%. No matter how many times a run defragmentation it will not go below 11% I am completly at a loss as to what to do, any help would be greatly welcome
  6. problem solved :) i would like to thank you for your help. once again u saved me a headache
  7. i downloaded the ethernet driver and ran the asussetup file. it installed the driver but i am still not showing any internet connections
  8. what is the best way to find out what mobo the computer has? sounds a little dumb but i cant see it on dxdiag
  9. Operating system disk The pc is a custom built pc from PC option.com The disks are in storage at the moment (we are in the middle of a move) and are unaccessable. Will the ethernet drivers be downloadable from the mobo manufacturers website do u recon?
  10. hello I have just done a complete clean install of vista on my parents pc. The install itself went well but i cant connect to the internet. The internet and router are working fine. I think its a ethernet driver issue but i cant for the life of me find the driver that i need. Any help would be welcome :) Rob
  11. Hi all, Since purchasing my PC a few months ago, I have an issue where by browser just stops connecting to the net. I am running IE 8.0, OS is Vista 32bit, Quad Core, 4gig of Ram. I have tried several ISP's, Used to be with Sky, amd am now with Virgin. Each time I have used a different router. I am running Zone Alarm Firewall, and AVG Anti-Virus. I will be surfing the net, and after a period if time, when I try to load a page, I will see the 'wating for........' notification at the bottom of IE, and after a few minutes of this the 'unable to connect' error is seen. The only way I have found to resolve the issue is to reboot. When I have to reboot, the reboot is very very slow. Another person connects via an ethernet cable to the same router, with no issues. Any help would be much appreciated. Reznor12
  12. its xp. yes i have tried other accounts and it is a full and legal copy:) he ran some virus scans a few days ago (the ones recomended by this site) and found some viruses. he removed them and the pc worked fine for 2 days. then this happened...
  13. On the gaming side of things mac's are catching up. with their new contract with nvida they are better now with games than ever ( tho upgrading is still a problem). i am gettin increasingly tempted by macs, im just sick of windows operating systems messing up every secs.
  14. My brother boots his pc and the log in screen appears. When he types his pass and tries to logg on, it just loads for a bit and then goes back to the log in screen. We have tried starting it in different mode (safe mode and whatnot) but the problem still occures, also we tried different account.
  15. ok thats odd..... its doing it again. but i am using the same headset and router as i did on my old pc and i never did it on there
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