Hi all,
Since purchasing my PC a few months ago, I have an issue where by browser just stops connecting to the net.
I am running IE 8.0, OS is Vista 32bit, Quad Core, 4gig of Ram.
I have tried several ISP's, Used to be with Sky, amd am now with Virgin. Each time I have used a different router.
I am running Zone Alarm Firewall, and AVG Anti-Virus.
I will be surfing the net, and after a period if time, when I try to load a page, I will see the 'wating for........' notification at the bottom of IE, and after a few minutes of this the 'unable to connect' error is seen.
The only way I have found to resolve the issue is to reboot. When I have to reboot, the reboot is very very slow.
Another person connects via an ethernet cable to the same router, with no issues.
Any help would be much appreciated.