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About n00bz

  • Birthday 02/03/1959

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Nah, I think I'll try the Ultimate Boot CD. Please tell me step-by-step instructions on how i would go about doing it. Thanks, im off now but i'll be on tomorow to fix it. The other options sound a bit confusing.
  2. Dam apparently there is a password. I have no idea what it is because it was set up by someone else. Is there any other way?
  3. thats all, above it, it says 1: C:\WINDOWS
  4. It says which windows installation would you like to log onto then it only lets me type one letter (this is in the recovery console)
  5. it wont erase files or anything right?
  6. Hi, yeah i have tried last know good configuration, but no luck. I do have an xp cd, the thing is i have 2 drives (like 2 partions) One drive is 48.83GB <- this is the C drive which programs and windows is installed on Other one is 417GB
  7. Basically when i turn on my pc, it loads fine up to that screen with the black background and says windows xp with that blue loading bar. Then it suddenly freezes on it after a few "scrolls" then it very very slowly starts scrolling again but its so dam slow as if its lagging. I left it for a few mins but just gave up. Anyone know what might be causing this? Thanks.
  8. i ran the program and it said i already had the latest firmware so does that mean i need to buy a new drive or can i get it repaired?
  9. umm there are 2 they are: ASUS DRW-1609P3S BE6351O YOD057V SCSI CdRom Device but i only have one drive
  10. Nah it still doesnt read cds. Yeah it has the drive icon but it can't read the cd's contents
  11. ok i did this what should i do now?
  12. umm ok but for this method: Click Start > Click Run Type in "regedit" (without qoutes) Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Highlight the "upperFilters" and "LowerFilters" if any and go to edit-delete. I only had the subkey, LowerFilters i didnt have upperFilters
  13. umm im not sure about the model. but the drive used to be able to read both cds and dvds. How would i go about repairing the electonics?
  14. hello to everyone, i am quite new to computers and was hoping you could help me with a problem: http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/multimedia/2232-dvd-drive-only-reading-writing-dvds-not-cds.html#post12731 thanks in advance :D
  15. I have an asus dvd writer drive and it only reads and writes dvds. but when i insert a cd (retail or copied) it doesn't recognize it. Anyone know what the problem may be? thanks.
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