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About xxkelzxx

  • Birthday 02/02/1982

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. in my devices i have -7 VIA standard host bridge devices on my pc,they are all the same version and i want to know is should i have 7 of these? any help would be appriciated please as i cant seem to get help anywhere with this. thanks
  2. well the laptop which has probs is a medion and the other spare laptop is a hp? as for the hard drive swapping-i wouldnt know where to start , i would have to take it to someone who knows wht their doing!!! lol
  3. hi, not sure where to start but i bought a medion laptop from a friend and as soon as i turned the thing on i knew there was something wrong-it took 20 mins to start up!!! and was very sluggish...i checked the error log and there was repeated errors regarding the hard drive....i decided to use the recovery disc i received with it to do a restore but no joy....it wont even load windows vista now....the hard drive spins it will read the disc but nothing. im thinking its the hard drive thats had it because when i got the laptop it hadnt really been looked after. if it is the hard drive thats failed i was wondering if i could replace the hard drive with another 1 i have thats in my hp laptop (broken screen!) or would that not work? hope someone could help me!! thanks
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