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ice crackzor

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Everything posted by ice crackzor

  1. ok been looking all over the net and i cant find any drivers for the motherboard. The model is GA-81945PM-RH. Its not on the gigabyte website which is weird. i read post on forums and other people have my motherboard model as well...If anyone has this motherboard model Im begging you send me the drivers !!!! my mai address is [Edited. Putting an email address on the board is an invitation to spam. Removed for your protection] ps. i really need the SATA/RAID drivers
  2. heh lol i dont have a floppy drive... i read some other guides and stuff. it seems i have 2 MAJOR problems here: 1)dont have the disks from the motherboard and i cant find the drivers on the internet for the raid/sata 2)dont have a floppy disk does this mean im totally screwed?
  3. im not getting an error message, thast the problem. when it comes to loading windows it just restarts the pc. and when i go to install windows it cant find any drives.
  4. as a matter of fact the HDD does come up in BIOS
  5. right...well when i bought the motherboard it didnt came with any disks...and i cant find the drives of the net either...my mother board model is gigabyte GA-81945PM-RH and its not on the gigabyte website...i guess im screwed
  6. heh lol already tried that...but then when it askd on which partition i want it installed it said there isnt any drives...when i tried to make a partition it came up with the blue screen of death...even tho i formated the pc... weird how i wasnt able to format it with a XP cd =S my best guess is there is something wrong with the hard drive or something lame like that
  7. yea i did...formated it and managed to install windows 98* =P...but again it cant boot
  8. hey... sorry for opening a new thread but i looked trough a lot of threads and didnt find and answer to my problem... ok..i recently bought a new motherboard, graphics card and power supply. After i plugged everithing in the PC turned on normaly. Then, wen booting up windows it gives me the crappy error message saying "windows could not start normaly, bla bla bla, etc". regardless what option i choose the pc restats after the windows loading screen every time. i tried to re-install windows XP but every time it says there is no partitions nor hard drive...(even tho is detects windows and tries to boot up..then failes) I even tried going old school and install windows 98 but again it cant boot windows even if it recognises there is a boot file :confused: im highly confuzeled... i tried to cahnge the SATA cable.....hardeweare isnt my thing =P
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