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About claire

  • Birthday 03/24/1989

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  • System: beginner

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks for the help! :D Funny thing... All the stuff that you said should be checked was, but it wasn't working. So I unchecked it all... And it started working. I looked at it today again, and the it's all checked again and working... Strange... Thanks again!
  2. There is no 'new tab' option in 'file', 'command - T' doesn't work and neither does holding the command key while clicking a link... What happened to my tabs?? :(
  3. After I got the ethernet cable running by selecting Built-in Ethernet, I set the router to 802.11g and dissabled the WEP security. That got the mac to connected to the network. The PC was connected to the network wirelessly, but now it doesn't work. If I leave the network unsecured, it works on the mac but not on the PC. If I enable WEP security, it works on the PC but not on the mac...
  4. ok, so now I can get an internet connection on the mac through the ethernet cable. I set the router to 802.11g only and dissabled the WEP security and the mac was able to connect to the network wirelessly. But now the PC won't connect! It picks up the network, but says it cannot connect because the network is marked hidden and the settings saved on the computer don't match the settings of the network. How do I change them? And will I have to keep the WEP security dissabled in order to connect the mac to the network?
  5. Yes, i selected OTHER, typed in the name of the network and set the wireless security to NONE, like you said, but I still got the error message. The only computer on the network is the PC.
  6. I tried that, but I still got the same error message, and if I select 'talktalk' from the list of networks available, it still asks for the WEP key. Also, when I dissable the WEP security, the internet on the PC doesn't work. I'm pretty sure the WEP key is correct, I checked like 50 times...
  7. Thanks a lot for the help... I ran the ethernet cable again, but nothing new happens. It still picks up the network, asks for the WEP key and gives me the error message...
  8. oh, yeah I did, but I got nothing...
  9. The router is an EchoLife HG520s... I'm not sure about the connection, I think its 'b'... were can I check? I think I have dissabled the WEP security. I have changed the security type to open and the encryption type to none... I'm a little relunctant to mess around with it in case I break something. :) I really don't think I know what I'm doing... But the mac is still asking for a WEP key when I try to join the network...
  10. I don't know if this goes in here or the mac section but... I have wireless internet on my PC, and that works fine, but I cant get it to work on my mac. (Macbook 2.4GHz) I select the network and enter the WEP password, but it just says that 'there was an error joining the airport network 'talktalk''. If I install the network on the mac, then the pc rarely picks up the network, and when it does, I can't connect to it.... What can I do??
  11. Thanks!! I did it! Now that I know how simple it is, I feel slightly retarded for not working it out myself :D Thanks for the help!!!
  12. ...I need to install a firewire card and I've tried to remove the case but I just can't seem to figure out how to do it! Is there an easy way to do this? I'm assuming that there is a sliding panel or some other Harry Potter Hogwarts type of action needed. All advice appreciated! :D I've tried googling around and I've asked a few people, but I got nothing yet... I'll add a few pics maybe that will help... DSC00048.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting DSC00045.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting DSC00046.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Thanks a bunch!! :D
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