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About Dante

  • Birthday 02/11/1972

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Parrot was evicted too the front room ... pcs in the dining room with NO birds rofl
  2. I have to be honest ... I initially thought video card too ... would be taking it out n testing the pc on its on graphics card work ? (I can do that much) but what concerns me most is it not actually going through the windows stages then bleeping to let us know its completed all checks n can start ... would that be the graphics error ? Just curious before I take card out
  3. well hhhmmm I cant access any of the pc at all tbh ... the power is goin thro the pc fine ... the fans lights etc all switch on correctly but u can normally here a pc going thro the various stages of starting up windows ... this is not doin that now ... there is no ifnormation at all ont he monitor too even be able too start it in safe mode and try n salvage anything too get the pc started. I know it has 80gb ram, pentium 4, nividia ge force 7800, new power supply and various new fans throughtout the pc due too a clogging issue with the dust fromt he parrot. Other than that I cant tell you anything else as I cannot access anything inside the pc itselfs programme wise.
  4. My partner has a home built pc by his brother. It is based on windows xp professional and has a nividia ge force graphics card (8-10 months old). However it has had some quite disturbing problems recently. We've had to have the power supply changed due too shutting down when used for too long. (This problem now solved). But last night a new problem arose ... it shut down completely n hasnt started up since. The graphics card has had intermittant "juddering" and the pc has had to be rebooted when it gets too severe. This seemed too solve the issue but after last night its ceased too function at all. It powers up perfectly, lights fans etc all seem too be functioning normally but the pc does not go thro the motions for starting up windows and the monitor displays nothing and remains completely blank. Im possibly asking for a miracle but can you help or at least advise what we can rule out before having too spend alot of money taking it too our local pc shop. I appreciate I probably am the worse information possible but Im not a pc expert by any means ... and any advise on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Dante (complete pc novice n proud lol):D
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