so i got an 8600gt a while ago and recently games have been lagging and sometimes completely freezing which is apparently a sign of an underpowered psu. (can anyone confirm that?)
my current specs are:
athlon 3800 X2 2.0ghz
1gb ddr2 266mhz
evga 8600gt 128bit 256mb gddr3
so im thinking of this psu:
i dont know if it would fit my pc. i also have some qs about ocing and ram
1. would this psu be compatible? how do i find out?
2. would it allow me to oc my cpu and gpu and get a total of 2gb ram?
3. would it be futureproof for a mid range gpu in 6 months or so?
4. if i ocd my cpu or gpu would i need cooling?
5.would it be worth it, ocing my cpu or gpu? how much would it improve performance in say crysis?
6.should i get 2gb of faster ram or 1gb of the same ram? would there be a significant difference?
btw im not a TOTAL noob, i know i wont max out crysis or anything:D
oh and if anyone knows the answers to any of my qs, please post, im not expecting an answer to all of them!
all input much appreciated!