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About yankoz

  • Birthday 10/29/1987

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  1. hello,thank you looking at this thread,my problem is simple really,my computer restarts when ever it wants to,i could be either doing work on work for uni or playing games or even if i have it on the screen saver it just restarts,it happends now and then but when it does i get the "blue screen" or sometimes it cant get windows going,but other than that the pc runs fine when it doesnt restart lol the spec is quad core q6000 BFG 8800 2g of RAM MSI PN9 motherboard the 1 that can do 3 sli if i got the name wrong 2 raptor hard drives 75g each i also have a sound card that came with the motherboard its the creative 1 but it came free with the mother board 800 watts power supply if you need any more detailed about my specs or what happends when the computer restatrs, please let me know,i m studying law so i try and log on here as much as I can but my work load is piling up and i really cant have the computer restart like that :( thank you
  2. hey,i think the problem has been resolved,i havent been having the problem in 2days now lol,thats is definatelly an improvement,if it happends again i will look at the driver Goku and also change my BIOS setting to Optimized defaults,thank you very much for your help :)
  3. heya,thx for the quick reply,i have 2GB of ram, the specs are q6600 2.4 MSI P7N DIAMOND 775 780I HDD RAPTOR 74GB 16MB 10,000 SATA x2 BALLISTIX TRACER PC2-6400 2 GB K gigabit 800watt PSU BFG GEFORCE 8800 GT 512MB aslo running vista home Primium
  4. Hey everyone, its Yankoz here. A couple of weeks ago, I had a problem about my monitor turning off. I thought it was the Monitor and the Graphics Card as it is a TV. But I use it as my PC monitor and turns out it is well. I just found out that it is in fact nothing to do with the Monitor. Its my Graphics Card Driver. Its a BFG 8800 OC. What happens is that when the operating system boots up the loading screen comes on, and then that it is stops working windows does not come up. I know that its the Driver as I went into Safe Mode. By the way, in Safe Mode the computer works fine and there are no problems at all. I uninstalled the Graphics Card Driver and the problem was solved. The computer worked fine. The funny thing is that this does not happen all the time. Sometimes it will work from the first time, sometimes it doesn't. Also i m running Vista on it but i had the same problem with XP too. Please tell me what I could do to solve the problem. Should I download a different Driver for the Graphics Card? The Driver I am using is the one that was provided with the Graphics Card. Thank you
  5. hey thx for the reply, i tried it on a different monitor and it was fine it loaded up without a problem,but the real problem is when i restart the computer,i restarted the computer on to the new monitor and it still gives the problem,windows will load up and then monitor will switch off, i tried it in safe mode on to the new monitor,loaded it fine and then i restarted it in safe mode and it was fine,so i m guessing is a software problem :(, any suggestions?
  6. hey everyone,i been having some problems with my monitor, for some reason when i turn the pc on the monitor will come with the motherboard make screen (the screen where u can go on the bios),then load windows and then switch off,the computer will keep running but the screen is just black!!!,i know my way around with computers but i what ever i tried i cant fix the problem. oh yeah and another thing, the monitor i using is actualy an LCD tv,my sister uses it to play her xbox 360 with HD,it has a monitor output so i use that,could that be the problem? any suggestions would be of great help :)
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