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About nugus

  • Birthday 07/05/1988

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  1. yeah the mobo takes 2gig of ram it says so in the book, i used to run both cards at once for about 6 months, i tried all that swapping the ram cards into other slots when it first started going wrong it didnt make any difference, when it first happened my pc wouldnt boot at all with the broken ram card in it so i dunno if swapping them worked coz it wouldnt boot with it in there but the 1 that does work worked in both slots on its own
  2. theres only 2 slots on the motherboard and the motherboard book dosent tell me anything about voltage settings for ram, iv been into the bios and changed a few of the ram settings but nothing made it better so its all back to normal settings now
  3. reply it dosent have a manufactures make on it but i could try to get it replaced by the person i bought it from (ebay)
  4. reply yeah it was working fine for 6 months then my pc started crashing so much that it wouldnt boot up i had to reinstall windows and couldnt reinstall it because it crashed everytime during the xp setup, i replaced my HD but that didnt fix it and i took the ram card out to see if it would make any difference and it did, it didnt crash any more and i was able to reinstall windows xp prof, i have tried putting the ram card back in a few times since reinstalling xp and sometimes it will last 1-2 hours without crashing but most the time it wont even boot with it in
  5. hi guys, my pc keeps crashing when i add another gig of ram to it. the gig of ram had been in the pc nearly 6 months and worked fine, now for some reason it makes my pc crash when ever i put it in. i looked in my motherboard book b4 i bought the ram and made sure it was the right 1 and i have checked the motherboard itself on the ram slot and its fine nothing burnt or anything. i also have another gig of ram in my pc at the moment that works fine but my pc has slowed loads since that extra gig had to b taken out. any1 got any ideas of how i could fix this? im running xp professional sp2 my motherboard is an asrock k8nf4g-vsta my processor is an amd sempron, 3000+ 1.8mhz my ram is ddr 1 gig pc2700, not 100% sure which 1 it is but its definatly 1 of these 400 / 333 / 266 and i have 2 of them same ram cards my graphics card is a nvidia geforce 8500gt 512mb ram ddr2 pci-e as i said earlier it worked fine for nearly 6 months nothing changed that could have made it stop working like it is. any help with this problem would b much apreciated, thanks in advance.
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