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Everything posted by Flair4it

  1. Shrimpley this for you http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/gnu-linux-blackberry-symbian/2672-usb-key-ubuntu-7-10-shrimply.html#post15818
  2. USB Key Ubuntu 7.10 USB Ubuntu 7.10 install from Linux: This tutorial enables you to install, boot and run Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) from a USB flash drive. In addition to installing Ubuntu to a USB device and then booting Ubuntu from the memory stick, this tutorial will enable you to automatically save your changes and settings back to the thumb drive and further restore them on each boot using a second "casper-rw" persistent partition. The tutorial was written for those already familiar with working from Ubuntu or another Linux desktop environment. If you do not have access to or prefer not to use a Windows computer, this Ubuntu Linux on a stick tutorial is for you. Ubuntu 7.10 takes slightly longer to boot than previous releases. However, once it's up and running, it performs much better than running from the Live CD. USB Ubuntu 7.10 Essentials: Ubuntu7.10 ISO CD Burner 1GB USB flash drive (2GB+ recommended) U710fix.zip Ubuntu 7.10 USB installation tutorial: Hint: You can drastically speed up the install by Copying and Pasting most commands into the terminal instead of manually typing them out. With the exception of replacing x with your drive letter. Grab the Ubuntu 7.10 ISO and burn it to a CD Insert the CD and your USB flash drive Reboot your computer into Ubuntu from the Live CD Open a terminal window and type sudo su Type fdisk -l to list available drives/partitions. Note which device is your flash drive (example: /dev/sda) Throughout this tutorial, replace x with your flash drive letter. For example, if your flash drive is sdb, replace x with b. Type umount /dev/sdx1 Type fdisk /dev/sdx type p to show the existing partition and d to delete it type p again to show any remaining partitions (if partitions exist, repeat the previous step) type n to make a new partition type p for primary partition type 1 to make this the first partition hit enter to use the default 1st cylinder type +750M to set the partition size type a to make this partition active type 1 to select partition 1 type t to change the partition filesystem type 6 to select the fat16 file system type n to make another new partition type p for primary partition type 2 to make this the second partition hit enter to use the default cylinder hit enter again to use the default last cylinder type w to write the new partition table [*]Type umount /dev/sdx1 to ensure the 1st partition is unmounted [*]Type mkfs.vfat -F 16 -n ubuntu710 /dev/sdx1 to format the first partition [*]Type umount /dev/sdx2 just to ensure the 2nd partition is unmounted [*]Type mkfs.ext2 -b 4096 -L casper-rw /dev/sdx2 to format the second partition [*]Remove and Re-insert your flash drive [*]Back at the terminal, type apt-get update [*]Type apt-get install syslinux mtools [*]Type syslinux -sf /dev/sdx1 [*]Type cd /cdrom [*]Type cp -rf casper disctree dists install pics pool preseed .disk isolinux/* md5sum.txt README.diskdefines ubuntu.ico casper/vmlinuz casper/initrd.gz /media/ubuntu710/ Ignore any "cannot create symbolic link" errors [*]Type cd /home/ubuntu [*]Type wget pendrivelinux.com/downloads/U710fix.zip [*]Type unzip -o -d /media/ubuntu710/ U710fix.zip [*]Restart your computer, set your BIOS or Boot menu to boot from the USB device and reboot again. You should now have a USB Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon flash drive that should automatically save your changes, restoring them on boot. Note: If your having trouble getting Ubuntu to boot, your memory stick may have a corrupted MBR. To repair the MBR of your USB device, at the terminal type sudo apt-get install lilo then type lilo -M /dev/sdx (replacing x with the letter of your flash device)
  3. THE Worst thing you can do is Loose information dont be afraid to test things You are trying to repair the following Master Boot Record "fixmbr" Bootsecter "fixboot" Dont be afraid to do extactly on that page you wont do any damage. If worst comes to worst and you crash the system you can just put the HD into some one elses machine as a secondary. Personally my self instead of trying to repair the boot sector i would just install Vista again that would rebuild the boot sector there is an option in vista to leave your data in tact. If you have spare PC if you want you can give me your MSN and I will help guide you screen by screen All I know is if you go to install windows vista again it will move the old installation to folders like old_windows and Old_program files I have done this with XP to Vista but I have not tryed Vista to Vista but I presume it near enough the same :) has to be like
  4. Hi Guys, Im new to the forum and I thought I would post a good one for you techies Nlite is a program for slipsteaming your version of XP Reasons why I use it : 1 Im fed up installing XP's that only have SP 1 installed on it with nlite I can slipstream SP3 and all updates / hot fixes 2 it lets me add pre configured software on it like Office and AVG (Bit of tweaking there) 3 It lets me Automate the whole process so basically I can slip the disc in restart the machine press any key and set it to install go off about my business and its done 4 it lets me slipstream latest drivers. 5. It has saved me about 5-6 hours work per client machine. 6. It lets you fully customize the OS from themes to OEM Logos. I tell you how good of a program it is I recently was given a a DELL XPS 420 from a company who pays 80K plus for an IT person. (this person said it was impossible to do hardware was just to new) I was able to install windows XP on a Dell XPS 420. The Sata Controllors in the system are two new for XP I could slipstream them on to it and windows installed fine, I was then able to install each driver that was designed for vista from using similar XPS Systems drivers (Thinking MOBO near enough the same) This Won me an IT contract that is worth Quite alot to me. Regards Shane PS Hope this software helps.
  5. sound like your outlook was hijacked try this click on start then run type this "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\Outlook.exe " /cleanprofile then try this "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\Outlook.exe " /cleanrules this hopefully will resolve your problem if it doesnt try backing up your emails to a pst file and re-installing outlook
  6. no bother just trying to help :P
  7. Not if you do it correctly ignore anything to do with deleting partitons formatting drive etc that will loose data. it might kill the OS if done incorrectly , but should leave data in tact You do relise as well you can just do a clean install of Vista and just set it that it installs to a different location that should load vista no problems and you can manually delete the old windows data P.S if you do the install you gotta sniff through your HD to get your data back dont expect it to be in the one location. update
  8. imagine; you have two hard drives in your computer with two operating systems installed. Disk one has Vista Disk two has UBUNTU now Vista was installed first to disk one. couple of months later you say fook it ill install Ubuntu on my other Disk Now because Windows Vista was allready pre-loaded there is a file on that disc that makes vista boot. (couple of acctully) we have to re-write this file so Ubuntu will Load and thus having a dual boot system. So even thoe Ubuntu is on a Completely seperate disc its using a resource on the first disk to generate the GRUB (LINUX BOOT LOADER) because he was using a flash drive when its not attached its only loading the initial loader and not geting as far to the "second disk" thus generating his error. Now because this was a linux install it uses completly different architecture to XP or Vista it is why you cannot find a trace of it when in the operating system. "Might see files but wont be able to open them" The instructions in my previous post should successfully build you a new Boot sector and loader which will remove the linux boot sector.
  9. You need to rebuild your Boot sector when installing on the flash drive it needed to make an imprint of your actual HD so it would load the grub is just a boot loader. This website will tell you how to do it How to use the Bootrec.exe tool in the Windows Recovery Environment to troubleshoot and repair startup issues in Windows Vista good Luck
  10. Curious dont have an Xbox just making a guess Hmmm Strange Your Connecting YOUR XBOX with an Ethernet cable directly into your machine, is the cable a cross over or just a standard patch cable, sounds to me your only sending information only one way thus the limited connection. Try buying a Crossover cable Was your Computer Damaged by Power Failure? Could have a faulty component. Have you changed the Ethernet Cable you were using? any Physical Hardware changes to the machine? ASK the company you sent your pc away to be fixed if they formatted your machine could be you need to install software to play Hope some of this helps
  11. Try this IT is quite possible that you have your Wireless Network Adaptor set to a manual address thus giving your Wireless a Connected State in Windows Zero Configuration. If this is the case you will need to do the following click on start > control Panel > Network Connections. Right Click on your Wireless Card and go to properties. on the new dialog that opens click on Internet Protcol and then click properties make sure it set to Obtain an IP address Automatically and make sure that then its set to obtain a DNS automatically as well. once this is completed click on start then run in run type CMD then type "ipconfig /release" and press enter without the quotes then type "ipconfig /renew" and press enter without the quotes this should release all Network cards IP address'es and renew them once this is done then type "ipconfig /flushdns" and press enter without quotes. This should hopefully solve your problem Regards - Shane Teh_newb
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