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About diverjim

  • Birthday 07/07/1970

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I tried RandyL's suggestion and took ownership of the folder. It worked! Took just a few minutes. Thanks RandyL, Goku, Seth and Dalo for giving advice. I'm lucky there are some brainy people out there to help out us. Thanks again all.
  2. Thanks for the quick reply. I can't see the files, only the folder containing them. I tried to drag that into my laptop but it won't allow it. I ran a virus scan on the folder so I could see if the data is still in it (it says o file size in properties because it's password protected) and they are all present. As I said, I know the password but how do I use it to access the folder? I'm basically using the IDE enclosure as USB portable hard drive but can't access this one valuable folder contained on it. All other files and folders are accessible as they had no password. Thanks.
  3. Hello anyone, Just registered on here to try and solve an annoying problem so hopefully someone will have an answer. My desktop recently died on me. Not too upset because we were going to replace it with our laptop and create more space for the kids. Unfortunately the hard drive contained all our family photo's, among other things, and I would like to get them back (yes, I now realise I should have backed them up!). I removed the hard drive and have placed it into an Integra Akasa IDE enclosure. I've plugged it into my laptop via USB and it can see everything on my old hard drive. Unfortunately it won't let me access my old user name (from the XP start up screen) because I allocated it a password. Every time I try to access it through 'My Computer' on my laptop it says "access is denied". Obviously I know the password because I set it but how do I use the password on my laptop so I can retrieve my old files? I've right clicked on my old folder in Documents and Settings but it's not obvious to me. Can anyone help? Thanks, Jim.
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