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About aldin39

  • Birthday 12/01/1986

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  • System: windows_xp

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Guys, It was the video driver. I managed to get a trial tuneup utilities 2009 and found that the NVIDIA driver was corrupted. I then installed the 61.77 NVIDIA driver and all is working well now. I don't get BSODs now! And I believe that the registry cleaner of tune-up did much help.. Thanks for the help...
  2. Whoo... I hate to lose that Adobe Photoshop which I saved up for so long, and so were my python scripts which I made.. Is there no other way? OR i really do have to go to the PC shop and replace it??? :o:o
  3. Guys I know how to do the msconfig thing. :):).. I did reinstall my NVidia Driver after a BSOD that said " nv4_disp.dll is corrupted" appeared. I also reseated and cleaned my RAM and GPU's contacts. And BTW, my pc is nearing two years old come april.. Now whenever I boot my computer, BSOD's like "Page fault in a nonpaged area" or "irgl not less or equal" would alternately appear. I also noticed that my PC is taking too LONG to boot. I managed to run memtest during a safemode session but it did not find any errors. MBAM and SASW did not find any infections. Hope I can solve this case, or else i'm taking it to the PC shop..
  4. RE: I booted to safe-mode fine this morning, ran antivirus scans and updated my video drivers and everything seems fine. I am still crossing my fingers though as I still haven't ran malwarebytes and superantispyware, due to my busy schedule. After I have checked my PC with those programs then I'll inform you.. My guess is, my video drivers seems to be outdated or else it is the memory. BTW, could you tell me the step by step procedure to disable a specific driver during start-up using msconfig? Who knows, maybe I will find some use of it. THX!
  5. Last Night while we were watching Madagascar 2 which i copied from a USB Flashdisk, my PC seized up then restarted. When it did restart, a BSOD appeared which says that nv4_disp.dll is corrupted or something like that. I then have to restart it. A BSOD appeared again with this ====> Driver IRQL_not_less_or_equal STOP: 0x000000D1 (0xE8703e68, .... blah, blah) ACPI.sys Win32k.sys Nv4_disp.dll I can boot into safe mode but the eventlog does not say anything unusual. I had a full scan with AVAST free edition and a chkdsk /f also but nothing showed up. What could be the problem? I had helped in this forum before and now I am back again after 4 months, which means that my PC has had no problems after FreePCHelp helped me previously.. My SPECS: Intel P4 3.0 gig processor ECS p4m800-m3 MOBO NVIDIA geforce4 m4000 32MB Video Adapter 512 MB generic RAM(think its NCP..) Windows SP2 prof. edition
  6. Ok it is now sorted out. I have disabled the Nero program that causes it and so far everything is going out well. I had the nero as a bundle in the DVD-Rw that I bought but I don't use it that much, except when i made a backup disk. Now about the avast thing, I'm sure it is still a good antivirus program in spite of its being a freeware. Anyways, thanks for the info guys. Continue rocking! :)
  7. Recently, i have been getting this pop-ups that says "NMIindexingstoresrv.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close". Now i know for the fact that NMIindexing is a feature of Nero 7 which i have installed. But it is causing my pc to hog a lot. Personally i don't think it's malware but who knows? I have the Home edition of Avast installed and it is always updated, but i'm thinking maybe it did not detect a malware infection because of the fact that it is free. (i.e. free software = not so great ones.) Guys, what are your thoughts? Help me get rid of this annoying pop up. :)
  8. I think my HTML is at intermediate level, clearly bad designs though, :) I'm currently learning python.. They say it's the best language to start with.
  9. Guys! Thanks for the help. Apparently when I opened the case, the CMOS battery appeared to have popped out, so i just inserted it thoroughly and now it is up and running again. BTW, to wolfey------>>>, you can close all other threads I started since they have been solved obviously... :):):) TY again guys!
  10. Ok I'll be doing some repairs by this weekend. I'll just keep you posted, and maybe ask for some help (again). TY!:)
  11. The PSU must not be the culprit here since I can see the fan and the HDD spin. Could it be that the motherboard is faulty? I mean im asking if the CPU fan and HDD could power up even if the motherboard is fried?
  12. How about the DVD RW light not going on when it usually does at power on? I can't even eject the tray. I had experienced a dead screen before but I can eject the tray then.
  13. Yep, I always power off the system before doing any "case" work. Of course I am afraid of getting zapped.
  14. Last night when my sister was playing GTA SA in my pc the screen locked-up. It would not exit the game nor will it respond. I pressed the power on button in the hopes that it would just reboot. but it did not. So i opened the case, cleaned the memory and adapter contacts and tried reseating it again. I had done it succesfully a couple of times before already. And it used to worked. But when i assembled the pc again and pressed the power button, the fan turns on but the screen is dead. The power LED does not work but the HDD lights are active while the DVD-RW drive does not power up. It would not eject its tray. So did i do something wrong for my computer to act like this? My system info: Processor: Intel pentium 4, 3.0 ghz, x86 family MOBO: ECS P4M300-V3 board. HDD: Western Digital 80GB IDE drive DVD-RW: Samsung TSSTRW*forgot the real thing* BIOS: AMI Video Adapter: Nvidea M4000 60mb ram Memory: 512 mb ddr dram Your help is already appreciated!
  15. I am conversing to you through a public internet cafe. But you are right, I should have bought a Retail version again, which I have done(though I am running PRO now)! Anyways, thank you for the help.
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