Hello, I'm having a lot of trouble with my graphics card since reinstalling Windows XP. It's an NVidia Gforce4 with 64mb. There are 2 problems:
1) Some games complain about not being able to initialize Direct X due to an "DX8" error.
2) OpenGL games run a lot slower on my PC despite working fine with my previous PC (which had half the power).
I have toothcombed the help files and have done the obvious by installing the lastest versions of Direct X and the latest driver for Geforce4. I have also (as suggested) tried uninstalling them and reinstalling them.....nothing. Other things I've tried is disabling write combing and hardware acceleration....still nothing. I don't see me PC's specs being an issue because as stated above, all of my games worked at full speed on a lesser PC with a Geforce2. I really, reallly don't see why there is a problem because all of my games are way above the minimum reqirements, (I don't bother with recent games), and some of the games are old 2D games which even worked fine on an even older PC I had back in 2000. I also don't see why I'm getting an "DX8" error when my version of direct X is the final 9c version - the documents said that the latest versions are backwards compatible. The dxdiag has run all tests and reported no problems. :confused: