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About TheTruePredator

  • Birthday 06/28/1987

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  • System: windows_vista_home

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  1. No I have called it quits I think I will just stick with on-board sound and leave my headphones for my PS3
  2. The graphics card is an Nvidia 9800GTX
  3. It's definitely a TOSLINK/SPDIF connection. I will check the websites see if anything on there can enlighten the situation
  4. Hi here are some images regarding the actual connection I want it's digital optical (Games and Films) and the line in as an added bonus (everything else): http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o100/TheTruePredator/DSC00654-1.jpg http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o100/TheTruePredator/DSC00655-1.jpg http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o100/TheTruePredator/DSC00656-1.jpg
  5. I can use the onboard sound that works fine. Looks like I will have to live with it or find a new sound card. The reason I got it was for the digital optical which could plug straight into my headphone receiver oh well. Thanks for your help by the way
  6. It does I disabled that first but I will give it another go see if it's different this time round
  7. Yeah first thing I did as far as I'm aware the sound card should be working
  8. Sorry I should be a bit more specific about my setup. I plan to use digital optical to my wireless sony headphones and also just the simple 3.5mm green coloured cable to the pc input on my television that I use as the monitor
  9. Yeah I tried each one nothing seems to do the job: http://i25.tinypic.com/2qi60wp.jpg
  10. Still no luck I'm afraid. The level is set to 100 and windows volume is full as well. I unplugged the analogue input that didn't help. It's strange because when sound is being played the speaker at the bottom right tells me if output is working which it is
  11. Hi I have just installed this onto my pc, it's connected properly, with the latest drivers. All wires are fully plugged in (both digital optical and standard line-in) sound is on full, yet for the life of my I don't understand why there is no sound being produced on either types
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