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About pudos

  • Birthday 08/24/1967

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Cheers guys and thanks for the responce so far. Have sent any documents / photos i need to my plug in drive but cannot seem to be able to sent my itunes there, is it me or am i doing this wrong, it totals about 900 songs thanks paul
  2. Hi everyone, i guess this forum is for people who now a bit about P.C's and hope they can help people like me who know pretty much how to switch on and upload their ipods! Yesterday my wife switched on our pc to check her email (it is XP Home) logged in (hotmail address) and found all her messages, contacts etc wiped out. Also on speaking to friends many had received an email, saying it was from her, with a plea for money. Luckily all new it was not her way! So a) how could this happen, how could she lose her identity and is it best for her to cease this account and move to a different address (email one!) b) what danger to our p.c. security (it is in three user names) and are the other users under threat c) presume this is why our p.c. is now running so slow can repair be done by downloads or should i call the local guy d) could this be related to my son (like most 16y.olds much more p.c literate that parents) still file sharing despite my chats to him! Managed to stop Limewire being used but now knows he is swapping on a Russian site! Thanks very much in advance for any advice. Any help much apprecaited. Paul
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