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About willy

  • Birthday 07/29/1938

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. repair Thanks to all for trying but it has got beyond me so I will call someone tomorrow and get them to come and fix it. Regards, Bill :o:o
  2. repair Hi Dalo, Still rebooting
  3. repair Hi Dalo, Thought you might say that.Most of the stuff I use is on a external HD. How do I do a fresh install when I am stuck in the repair set up ? Regards, Bill
  4. repair Hi Dalo, It has not finished,just keeps on cycling.Cannot get into safe mode or even out of what ever it's in. Regards, Bill
  5. repair Hi Seth, Have tried all you suggested,still the same. Regards, Bill
  6. repair Hi All, As Dalo suggested I have set my 1st boot to cdrom and it is doing the same thing. It starts to load gets as far as a blue page with writing on then starts all over again.The blue page is on for a nano second so I don't have time to read whats on it.
  7. repair Thanks for the quick reply Kelly. It is still cycling and I cannot get out of it,it just keeps going back to it even with my disk out and I cannot get into "Safe Mode". Any ideas what I can do ?. Regards, Bill
  8. Hi All, can someone tell me how long the xp HE repair should take. Ihave been running it on my other PC for about 2 hrs, it seems to be cycling, is this normal or am I doing something wrong.I did notice in another thread you are supposed to remove IE 7,which I have not done. Why do you have to remove it ?. Regards, Bill :confused::confused::confused:
  9. I just want to say hello and hope you all will be patient with me. I am retired and old. Bill :):)
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