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About DavyC

  • Birthday 02/27/1957

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_vista_home_2

DavyC's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi; No beeps just the sound of the whirring like boot up....I have not bent the screen and have not looked at contrast etc, I will do that...thanks. All the usual lights come on so it looks normal just no activity on te screen. Thanx again for your help Davy
  2. my lap top appears to be booting up but the screen remains blank, as in no response whatsoever. Is there some sort of sleep thing going on here or is it more serious? It is only 7 months old.
  3. e mail error Hi all The problem appears to have cleared itself so all well and good. I have read that vthis particular error message does this butr that makes it no less a nusiance. Thanks to all who offered advice...much appreciated. :)
  4. No, just the 0x80048820 message
  5. Hi I have unexplicably received an error message which is stopping me sending or receiving mail. I use windows live mail on a vista platform. The message No is 0x80048820.:confused: Can anyone tell me how to sort this problem. Thanx
  6. followed your advice and it appears to have sorted out the problem. Many thenx for your help as I am not a technician and often get myself into scrapes...usually silly things but can be mega to me...so thanx again.
  7. I cant get images whilst on the net. Even the information/instruction buttons wont display the images. All I get is a white box with a little square in the top corner. My pc did this a while back but it appeared to correct itself. This is becoming frustratiung, anybody know how to rectify this?
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