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  1. How right you were - and how stupid i am...
  2. Hi Just installed a new HDD - it's set as slave on the same IDE cable as the master. Trouble is - when I try to boot up with both drives connected, the system ignores my current drive (master) and treats the new, blank disk (slave) as the one and only drive and tries (obviously unsuccessfully) to boot from it. When I disconnect the slave drive (the new one) everything works fine. Any ideas?
  3. Guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and buy some new gear (no modem in router) Thanks Andy & Jamey All the best Al
  4. Thanks Jamey for your reply but I don't think I've made myself clear as to what exactly I'm asking. I have a USB modem (supplied by my ISP) but an ethernet router (originally bought to suit the wireless WAN type internet connection which I was using at the time). Unfortunately, the local company providing this service went belly-up so I am now connected through Tiscali (ADSL). What I'm wondering is: Is there any way to use my current hardware? Could I connect the router and modem with a USB/ethernet converter cable? Or can I share my internet connection across the network and through the main PC and its USB modem?
  5. Hi I have an ethernet (wireless) router but connect to the 'net via a USB modem. According to the manual for the router, I should connect the modem between the phone line and the router, assumming the modem is of the ethernet kind. Could I use a USB/ethernet cable or is this setup doomed to fail? (Am using XP home on both desktop and laptop, the latter having a wireless card fitted. Would like to be able to both computers talking on wireless home network and sharing internet access. I reckon that if this can be configured to work, the desktop would need to be on, acting as a server. That's ok.) Thanks to anyone who can help...
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