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  • Birthday 01/01/1960

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  • System: windows_vista_home

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  1. All sorted gents, just had to upgrade the BIOS.
  2. Can not find the PC's Memory Timings anywhere in BIOS. Is this because I'm running Vista?
  3. The computer was beeping with a fault code (1 sec beep, 2 sec gap, 1 sec beep etc). I spoke to friends (Comp savy) and computer shops, thay all seemed to think it was a RAM problem. Either bad RAM or bad connection in the RAM socket. Once I cleaned up the computer components (all bits) the old RAM worked. Don't you think it is strange how the computer works fine but slow now. Yet with bigger RAM it runs much slower?? I have Malware protection (Windows, AVG, Zonealarm)and have just installed the new OS removing all my old files. Shes a reg copy of Windows so I am able to get reg security updates. I had a look at the Perf Tab, great little device, It is using around the 440mb constantly, Total 510, Cached 150, Free 0. This is with just the basic programs running. The thing that gets me is it runs faster on less RAM!!! I will download the Memtest86 but I believe the initial problems were dirt/dust and bad socket connections. Thanks, Fred.
  4. Had a look at Crucial, I think the RAM is OK, 1GB PC400 HYNIX STRONTIUM
  5. Reply The RAM is Strontium Technology Pty Ltd. They don't have much on there Web Site Strontium. What do you mean by Timings?
  6. PC Gigabyte GA-K8NSNXP-939 Mother, 1 X 512 meg DDR 400 RAM, AMD Athlon 64 3000+ 1.8GHz CPU, Windows Vista Home Premium OS. PROBLEM PC was running like crap, switching off, running slow, continual beeping every couple of seconds. Put it down to faulty RAM. Was running Windows XP. I purchased a new stick of 1 Gig RAM, installed it and the computer ran even slower. I looked and the PC Perf Specs and it advised RAM was 256 meg???? Put this down to faulty new RAM. Exchanged the RAM and this time the computer still ran slow however the PC Specs showed 1 Gig. Exchanged the RAM 2 more times, same thing. I gave the PC a good clean and got the original 512 RAM running. This then allowed me to install Vista. Put the new 1 Gig RAM back in and the PC runs slow as. Tryed pairing the 512 and 1 Gig, the PC specs showed 1.5 Gig but the PC still ran slow as. The PC has 4 RAM Slots, tryed all configurations, no luck. New RAM was all DDR400 WTF is going on??? Please help, Regards, Fred.
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