Try these steps. If they fail post back and I'll take another look.
. Microsoft Account
If you linked your BitLocker to your Microsoft account, you can find your recovery key by:
Visiting the Microsoft recovery key page.
Signing in with your Microsoft account.
Checking for the recovery key associated with your device.
2. USB Drive
If you saved the recovery key to a USB drive, insert the USB drive into your computer and check for a text file containing the key.
3. Printout
If you printed the recovery key when setting up BitLocker, check your physical documents for a printed copy.
4. Active Directory
If your computer is part of a domain, your IT department may have stored the recovery key in Active Directory. Contact them for assistance.
5. Local Device
If you saved the recovery key as a file on your device, search your files for a text document that may contain the key.
6. System Administrator
If you are using a work or school computer, reach out to your system administrator for help in retrieving the recovery key.
Important Note
Keep your recovery key in a safe place to prevent losing access to your encrypted data in the future.