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Everything posted by SlientX

  1. I was just wondering if anyone here codes in Vbasic? I pulled a few snippets from Visual Basic .NET ASP.NET 2.0 Code Examples, Tutorials and Snippets and cant get them to run properly. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  2. Are you sure you didn't drag them to another a folder. I have done that before. Do a search on that drive and look for them. Good luck!
  3. Davania, Wolfymole is correct. The best and fastest way would be to remove the HD and put it in a HD enclosure. You pick them up cheap less than 12-30 bucks. Then just hook up the HD to the new laptop and grab the files you need off and move them over. Pretty simple.
  4. Originally posted on Hostinghelpers.com Just a Web Hosting Terms Glossary for anyone wanted to know what some of the terminology is. Enjoy! Web Hosting Terms Glossary : HostingHelpers.com
  5. Hello all! I just wanted to say hi and I hope I can help and learn new stuff!
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