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About bess

  • Birthday 06/03/1955

Tech Info

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  • System: windows_xp_home

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. many thanks will give it a try when he comes in from school !!! Thanks again
  2. My grandson has a virus called facebook. I think he clicked onto a link while using facebook. Now for some reason it takes an age for the pc to start up the it tirns itself of. He is using Xp windows Thanks Teresa:(
  3. Thank you all I think I will ditch macafee and buy the NOd 32s as Macafee does not seen to detect the trojans. Thank you This thread appears to be solved and is now closed If you are the original poster of this thread and need it re-opened, then please PM (Private Message) an Administrator or Moderator
  4. thank you so much for the advice I have run the programme twice the first time it said I had 14 issues the second 3 issues. There was no name of the trojan just trojan found drive d big fish games. Do you think it would be better for a nebie like me to ditch macafee and buy this software. thanks again appreciate your time
  5. just as i thought i had got rid of platte media i am now wondering if it is trying to attatch itself to big fish games which I have been using for years without problems. Avast has found the trojan but cannot remove because it is shared with big fish games. What should i do next?? Am at a loss and am hoping platte wont appear again thanks
  6. Thank you so much for the welcome and easy to undestand replies vital to a newbie like me.I will be trying all that has been suggsted. Thanks again!!
  7. Thanks for that but which is best to run? The Macafee comes free with aol but the avast has already told me that they have stopped a trogen today, I think it was the platte media trying to sneak back in.. I am very new to the world of PC Thanks again
  8. Hi after having problems with Platte media I have installed Avast spyware I already have Macafee I am wondering if I need the two? Thanks
  9. Hi I to have been having trouble with Platte I have followed your instructions (I think) and hope I have deleted it from my pc. I am a novice at the PC business so dont know if I have done everything right. but fingers crossed. Big thank you
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